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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

France and Holland Get Smart

Wrong Reasons, But Right Result – But hey what is next ?

by StFerdIII

After working in both Holland and France I can attest to the gap between the elite, highly paid, extremely arrogant, Euro-Cats that run Europe, and the average Jan, Francois or Gerhard that pay the silly taxes and regulation fees that feed the fat, smarmy European welfare state. It was always curious to me to see how much nonsense the average EU tax-paying slave would endure before revolting. Half your income in taxes, unseemly gasoline prices, everything that moves, walks, or breathes is taxed under the banner of love, the environment, national greatness, or projects of ‘sensitivity’. Finally it appears that the average herring-swallower and baguette-muncher has slowly realized that creating an Orwellian super state is probably not a smart idea for either his pocket book or for his independence.

Even stranger however are the reasons why the happy Dutch and arrogant French rejected the Constitution. Counter – intuitively they did it to protest globalization, competition, tax reductions and the Anglo-Saxon model of state organization. It is wonderfully bizarre, since the EU Constitution actually does the exact opposite – it centralizes power, gives more tax room to Brussels, sets up the ‘high political’ structures of defense, and foreign affairs, and confirms the political integration of 25 nations with absolutely nothing in common. The Dutch and French were right to reject the Constitution, but their reasoning is rather ‘etrange’ ou ‘niet logische’.

The European social model is now so messed-up that its voters reject a Constitution that actually enshrines human rights, job rights, educational rights, living standard rights, entitlement rights and rejects tax, capital, services and increased business competition!!! If the Dutch and the French are terrified of competition they should have voted for the Constitution and further cut off
Europe from the rest of the world. The Constitution was the best way to keep the Customs Union with a common external tariff operating at high socialist capacity. It would have allowed the Euro-Cats to control the 10 new Eastern and Central European members, as well as keeping out those nasty American and Asian businesses from disrupting Europe’s social paradise.

The EU Constitution is a jumble of nonsense and should have been rejected because it centralizes and enshrines socialism and massive government. The EU after all rejected the cross border increase in services trade, just a few weeks ago – something that has been part of the EU treaty since 1986. Citizens in
Europe are so left – wing, socialized, and inundated from birth to death with the cult of big government, that they can’t even understand why a Constitution that continues the death cult of high taxation, limited competition and technocracy, actually contradicts their best interests.

The EU has severe economic, political and immigration problems. Rejecting the Constitution is smart – but rejecting it to replace the current elite driven drivel with more and stronger rules and regulations and limitation on the virtues of independence, rationalism, and freedom is dangerous. The French and Dutch might reject the current Constitution – but what will they replace it with ? Maybe they will want an even more lurid, left wing and anti-global document that guarantees that life will have zero risk, no problems, and that paradise is the ‘human right’ of all who are just merely born. Given
Europe’s radical social model, I would expect that a future Constitution will be even worse than the current document – after all the French, Dutch and others are not crying out for more freedom. Indeed they seem to want less of it.
