The combination of losers which support Globaloney Warming namely - Marxists, Globalists, Co2mmunists, Green Fascists, college something airheads, some Academics, the media and power whoring politicians and bureaucrats – are the manifestations of idiocy and childishness. No person who can think, rationalize and understand even basic science, and who covets freedom, modernity and a better world through a wealthier world, should put up with these gaping morons and their insanity. The Eco-cult of Globaloney Warming true believers is without question the dumbest, most insidious and collectively deranged cult in history. It is also the most childish and immoral.
The whole point of the Globaloney Warming scam is transnational governance – and the accretion of money and power by various self-interested parties in this process. Investment bankers and investors in carbon trading firms like L Ron Gore the eco-whore, will make billions off of carbon-trading. The UN will transmogrify into a World Government managing carbon emissions of states and individuals and imposing a world-wide tax on Co2. National governments will tax all aspects of carbon usage and production. National and transnational regulators will have the power to manage, control and neuter businesses through the control of carbon credits, emission levels, and any process which uses carbon at any level – including clothing, food, and consumables.
In other words the scam is the imposition of Green Fascism – a nefarious Orwellian nightmare of Greenist control centered at the UN.
And we the hoi-polloi should be happy about this ?
Well apparently some morons throughout the width and breadth of society are very concerned about 'climate justice'; 'eco-sustainability' and 'Warming reality'. These are the same collection of idiots who were profoundly disturbed by Globaloney Cooling; Acid Rain; the Ozone hole; Nuclear Winters; Population explosions; Famines and the ineluctable destruction of all natural resources. These losers have now migrated to the insipidity of the Polar Bear-Children's future Mother Earth cult and bang pots and pans in the streets demanding an end to Co2 production and the transfers of trillions of dollars to combat 'a changing climate', as if man can manage the winds, sunspots, and the entire million variable convection process called 'weather'.
What a group of slavering, drooling, knuckle dragging monkeys.
Robert Fulford writing at the National Post captures the abject immaturity of the Globaloney Warming cult by parodying the Canadian mentality to 'be liked by the UN'. As if that is important. The general societal fetish that the UN, and all foreign states must 'like us' and 'approve' of our actions is nothing more than childish immaturity. A corrupt body like the UN must given sanction to our existence ? How dumb are these people ?
“Through this process, the Toronto Star kept its readers on top of what the Star considers should be the national mood. Star editors, understandably, were almost paralyzed with grief over our nation's carbon emissions failure and our unfortunate reputation. But on Wednesday, a sudden shaft of light pierced the encircling gloom. At last there was a turn for the better. The Star spread the joyful news in a headline stretching across a full page: "Climate change chief gives Canada a break."
It seems that Yvo de Boer, described by the Star as "none other than the United Nations' climate chief," had uttered a word of consolation to Canada. He acknowledged that we were left in an awkward position when the United States, after signing the Kyoto Protocol, failed to ratify it. "Canada did ratify the Kyoto Protocol, but its main trading partner did not," de Boer said. That left Canada in a "very unbalanced situation."
Why do I give a rat's ass what de Boer – or any other UN simpleton thinks ? Who is de Boer ? Why is there a UN climate chief ? What gives the UN the right, the authority to even discuss another countries performance in any area ? Why the arrogance from the UN ? Why the slavish subservience from Canada's largest newspaper to UN whims and decrees ? Is there any sanity left in the media ?
The entire corpus of genuflection to the Globaloney-Warming cult by the media is Swiftian to say the least.
And this national humiliation was replicated across the world by every major media outlet. The great question should not be, 'Will the UN approve of us?', it should be, 'What will we do as a nation state to improve modernity, increase wealth, and produce technology which will benefit humans and the eco-system'. What the UN does is meaningless. The UN is a corrupt, anti-Western and entirely useless organization whose only good works is in the form of children aid and support. The UN as a totality should be shut down.
But witness the unending childishness of this Globaloney Warming scam. 'Scientists' falsifying data. The boundless mysticism of the entire Globaloney Warming project – no science just faith. The corruption of money and power. National newspapers slavishly following the UN propaganda. People enraptured when a UN official says something nice about a nation state's efforts to help poor Mother Earth. The willingness of whole societies to genuflect to a corrupt trans-national organization and literally begging it to destroy the modern world and take us back to 1870 with massive Co2 'cuts' and the neutering of all industry.
Globaloney Warming is nothing more than the expression of a limitless reserve of childishness, immaturity and crass stupidity, the likes of which has rarely been seen in human history. Who said society was getting smarter in an age of technology and science ? It seems quite clear that most of society is quite mad – and quite childish.