So when the 'evil' Jews attack the fascist Islamic theocracy of Iran what shall happen ? Will the world side with the democratic state of Israel ? Will the world support a nation surrounded by 400 million hostile Arabs and Persians to its own legal and moral right to self-determination? Will the world applaud the elimination of nuclear power in a fascist theocratic and barbaric Islamic state ? Hardly.
When Arabs attack the 'Joos' the general world 'opinion' cheers. When fascist Arabs parading under the fantasy name of 'Palestinians' [an Arab Palestine state has never existed of course and there has never been a Palestinan 'people']; energized by fascist constitutions such as the one possessed by Hamas attack, kill, burn or desecrate Jews and their state, the world yawns. When Hizbollah a fascist terrorist group financed by Iran wages war against a secular Lebanese state and the northern districts of a free Israeli state, most of the 'world' seems unable to distinguish between good and evil; fascism and freedom; and right and wrong.
Anti-semiticism, born of many factors, is legion. Reasons abound for why Jew-hate is so prevalent. Religious motives play a role. So too does economic envy; the ability of the Jew to survive any and all catastrophes; the 'separateness' of the Jewish culture; and the Jewish belief, supported by the Old Testament and the careers of men like Moses, Joshua and David, that the travails of a small tribe which went from slavery to the establishment by 1000 BC of the Near East's most powerful empire, must have been divinely sanctioned [an ethos which also infected the creation of the US Declaration of Independence and its Articles of Federation].
Jew hate is of course irrational, racist and entirely ignorant. Hate Jews ? Welcome to the world of turgid stupidity.
This fact is one primary reason why the United Nations is such a loathsome enterprise. Over a hundred resolutions have been passed denouncing in unequivocal terms actions by Israel – none have been passed condemning Arab or Iranian actions. PLO, Hamas, Hizbollah, Palestinian Jihad, Iran, and collections of other fascist entities dedicated to the creation of another holocaust are actually supported by the UN. The first 4 receive UN money, aid, 'Human Development and Relief' funds and protection in the UN General Assembly. Iran of course receives the political support, monetary aid, and technological skills and transfers of such 'democratic' powers as Turkey, Russia and China – all of whom use the UN to ensure that Iran will complete a nuclear weapon.
When Iran obtains a nuclear weapon the results will be obvious [see for the consequences]. Separated by only a few hundred miles the Israeli's, including their 2 million non-Jewish citizens must prevent the accretion of such power by a fascist Islamic state. When they do attack and attempt to wipe out Iran's nuclear capability we can predict the following:
-World 'opinion' will denounce Jewish aggression.
-The media and academic 'experts' will explain with tortuous mental gymnastics that the creation of Israel is to blame for Iran producing a nuclear weapon.
-Peacenik's, Code-Pink, Michael Moore, and other raving neo-Communist lunatics will support Iran for asserting its national pride and honor and condemn Israel for 'war crimes'.
-Iran will be supported at the UN by its allies Russia, China, Turkey, and Venezuela who will have resolutions condemning Israeli war-crimes against Persian civilians easily passed by the General Assembly.
-European and US media will show the devastated homes of Persian civilians and the scattered bodies of Persian innocents 'killed' by the Israeli air-strikes. None of the media outlets will try to verify either the veracity of the 'attacks', or if the 'destroyed' villages and dead are real. They will simply repeat Iranian propaganda as fact.
-The Great Divine Man, Hussein Obama will order that Israel cease all military action immediately. He will ask Iran to yet again 'talk' about its nuclear programs with the 'world community'.
For the first few days Israel will be condemned and Iran portrayed as the victim. But it has to strike and strike soon. The consequences of allowing Iran nuclear weapons capability are truly staggering. It would alter the balance of power in the Near East and drive up oil prices to $300 per barrel. It would result inevitably, in a larger and extraordinarily devastating war.
The script has been written and read before many times of course. When Arabs launched 5 huge formal frontal assaults against the 'Joos' not many cared about the fate of the Jewish state. In the past 15 years intifada's and Arab fascism have eliminated thousands of Jews and targeted civilians, urban centers, plazas, or any space where Jews have fun, become educated or take care of their children [unlike Arabs, Jews have a life cult]. Yet somehow 'Israel' is to blame. So it will be the same with Iran. When the hated Joos attempt to nullify Iran's nuclear weapon, somehow it will be their fault.
But if Israel does not attack and destroy Iran's nuclear capability first, it will be wiped out. This is however, a laudable outcome for all the Jew haters everywhere. No tears would be shed for the victims of an Islamic-inspired Jewish holocaust. But there will be lots of tears for the 'poor Persian innocents' annihilated by the 'illegal' air strikes of the Israeli nation fighting for its very existence. Not to worry.