Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Globaloney Warming Lies – the UN persists.

Eco Fascism and the outrageous affronts of propaganda.

by StFerdIII


So the great minds at CRU and of the UN tell us peasants that the current decade is the warmest of record. Yes sure it is. No evidence is provided. No data. No source files. No real 'peer reviews'. No details on how a natural chemical like Co2 'forces' climate to change. No information on why some places in the planet are actually getting quite a bit colder. No definition of what is meant by 'global mean temperature' and why that is important [most climate conditions are determined locally, excepting the sun, it is the law of physical thermodynamics]. Nothing at all. Just some idiots at the UN waving the already debunked and pathetic Mann hockey stick curve [see for info] and slobbering that the end is nigh. It is insanity. And the media does nothing.

It is a high crime what is taking place with Globaloney Warming and the ascent to Globalist Marxist governance. Wiping out the modern world is a sure derivative of the cult's program. Carbon dioxide has no impact whatsoever on climate. That linkage has never been proven. According to physical laws it would be impossible. And given the fact that the current Co2 level is far below the historical norm, it is clear that human activity – which might account for some 5 % of all Co2 emissions – is meaningless in affecting climate. The entire edifice of UN-Globaloney Warming lies is so monstrous and deluded, words do not exist to adequately explain its evil.

Thousands of real scientists – some 35.000 at last count – oppose Kyoto and the whole entire corpus of Globaloney Warming. Many hundreds of these real scientists have formed their own website and association and have written a letter to the UN demanding that the CRU and the UN prove their claims about anthropogenic warming. It is a clear letter. So when will the UN and the CRU 'scientists', who are already savaged and discredited over their obvious criminality exposed by an inside informant in the form of thousands of documents, begin to enlighten us peasants with their 'proof' ? When will they answer some of these questions:

“8 December 2009
Dear Secretary-General,
Climate change science is in a period of ‘negative discovery’ - the more we learn about this exceptionally complex and rapidly evolving field the more we realize how little we know. Truly, the science is NOT settled.

Therefore, there is no sound reason to impose expensive and restrictive public policy decisions on the peoples of the Earth without first providing convincing evidence that human activities are causing dangerous climate change beyond that resulting from natural causes. Before any precipitate action is taken, we must have solid observational data demonstrating that recent changes in climate differ substantially from changes observed in the past and are well in excess of normal variations caused by solar cycles, ocean currents, changes in the Earth's orbital parameters and other natural phenomena.

We the undersigned, being qualified in climate-related scientific disciplines, challenge the UNFCCC and supporters of the United Nations Climate Change Conference to produce convincing OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE for their claims of dangerous human-caused global warming and other changes in climate. Projections of possible future scenarios from unproven computer models of climate are not acceptable substitutes for real world data obtained through unbiased and rigorous scientific investigation.

Specifically, we challenge supporters of the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused climate change to demonstrate that:

1.Variations in global climate in the last hundred years are significantly outside the natural range experienced in previous centuries;
2.Humanity’s emissions of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’ (GHG) are having a dangerous impact on global climate;
3.Computer-based models can meaningfully replicate the impact of all of the natural factors that may significantly influence climate;
4.Sea levels are rising dangerously at a rate that has accelerated with increasing human GHG emissions, thereby threatening small islands and coastal communities;
5.The incidence of malaria is increasing due to recent climate changes;
6.Human society and natural ecosystems cannot adapt to foreseeable climate change as they have done in the past;
7.Worldwide glacier retreat, and sea ice melting in Polar Regions, is unusual and related to increases in human GHG emissions;
8.Polar bears and other Arctic and Antarctic wildlife are unable to adapt to anticipated local climate change effects, independent of the causes of those changes;
9.Hurricanes, other tropical cyclones and associated extreme weather events are increasing in severity and frequency;
10.Data recorded by ground-based stations are a reliable indicator of surface temperature trends.”



All good points indeed. And let me add a few others:

1. The Mann hockey stick and Briffa curves have been debunked – why then do you keep waving around their fraudulent claim of human-induced warming.

2. Why is a Global mean temperature meaningful and what are the data sources – do they include satellite, oceanic, rural and tropospheric measurements. If not why not ?

3. Where is the Sun accounted for in your modeling and in your analysis ?

4. Please explain the decrease in global mean temperatures between 1945 and 1975 even as Co2 ramped up.

5. Why does Co2 correlate with warmer temperatures when it is only 1 % of all natural gases emitted, and provide proof that the earth is not a conductive system regarding climate; but a radiative one. Where is the agreed upon science on that ?

The UN of course cannot answer any of them. But yet we are assured that the science is settled and that the earth will implode circa 2017 unless we act now. UN Globalist governance, excessive transfers to the poorer states; monumental taxation and regulation of all processes using carbon, including all civilian life-styles; and the imposition of mandatory carbon-trading will cost Trillions and wipe out the modern world economy. For no effect at all, on the climate. It is insane. But rationality, prudence and common sense were never hallmarks of a Fascist cult.

But propaganda certainly is.