Friday, April 23, 2010

Mother Earth Day ! 40 years of hating the human and celebrating Eco-Fascism !

Co2mmunists; Marxdroids; Greenists and other pagans united !

by StFerdIII

Earth Day is nothing more than Green Fascist Day.  Or neo-Communist Day. Or maybe we should call it 'Human Hating Day'. Whatever is the real name of this 'Greenist Day' no doubt in the near future, under the legal auspices of the UN, we will all be forced to sacrifice small animals and children to Gaia. Blood letting and soaking the soil with our sins as represented by the life blood of innocents will be mandatory and taught as 'moral'. The Islamic death cult openly avows the cleansing of the earth with the blood of unbelievers – all the better to keep the moon guy, Ali-ilah happy and contented. Why not then official sacrifices for the enviro-weirdos and assorted shades of Greenists and Marxists ? Aren't not Globaloney Warming deniers destined for hellfire anyways ? Why not cut open a few of these 'holocaust' denying 'fascists' who are 'raping' our poor Earth mother ? Nothing says 'communal love' more than an organized mass slicing the throats of heretics, deniers, new-borns and virgins, and spilling the red essence of their life over the pure soil of the dear Earth mother. How satiated and pleased she will be !

The freaks in the Green movement long ago moved from some positivist claims on society and our welfare-capitalist system; into the realm of psychotic hysteria, lies and power mongering on a scale which would have embarrassed German National Socialists and the followers of Lenin, in scope and naked intent of power and monetary accumulation. In short the Mother Earth movement is mentally ill. It is one thing to worry about clean water, air pollution and the sanctity of wildlife. It is quite another to make up idiotic theories around Globaloney Warming; human induced climate catastrophe; and postulating that humans must be 'culled', reduced and extirpated en-masse, in order to save Gaia. Failing that we need to at least return to the Stone Age. As one hysterical Eco-moron stated, who as one expects, works for the US Government:

"Global warming has reached the point of no return, ... Dr. Susan Solomon of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Earth System Research laboratory led the study. “People have imagined that if we stopped emitting carbon dioxide the climate would go back to normal in 100 years, 200 years; that’s not true,” she said, adding the effects are well nigh irreversible.”

Lunacy. Can you imagine the mental imbalance of anyone thinking the above, let alone writing it. This woman needs to see some serious doctors and go away and meditate for a very long time.

It is pretty obvious that Gaia worship is the new Communism. The aim of the Mother Earth people is to take our society back to the days of the Druids – with all the superstition and primitive modes of living such an era entails. As I wrote on another Earth Day:

“.....Socialists, Fascists, modern Liberals, 'progressives', anti-Semites, and anti-Americans were in a mournful state post 1989. Their great icon Russian Fascism named Communism, had imploded. With only 30-40 million dead as the price of socialist utopia, the true-believers needed something else to subscribe to, another violent, anti-human ideology which was dedicated to opposing the monstrosity of capital, markets and individuality. A Brave New World needed to be created on the death, blood and destruction of the old. Their beacon was Mother Earth worship – a monstrous pygmy of an ideology, soaked in hate, irrationality, lies and violence.

The evil embedded in Gaia socialism is cleverly and craftily concealed. The death cult – for ultimately that is what Gaia socialism is – uses imagery and propaganda to hide its real intent. They cult will not tell you their true intentions which includes inter-alia: controlling all nation states; reducing the human population; unfettered abortion; total corporate-economic management; a complete reorientation of education around the cult; media control; massive taxation and regulation; and the replacement of monotheistic worship by that of Gaia prostration. What the cult presents is almost the opposite: a green children's future; happy polar bears; a contented Mother Earth; earth-friendly economies; communal happiness; one-world global harmony and benign universal government. The cult's message is – as it was with Nazism, Communism and the media's portrayal of Islam – the opposite of what it actually is and represents.”

The Gaia cult is the worst sort of Fascistic embrace of anti-humanism – outside of Islam – one can imagine. Like Islam the Mother Earth lovers hate the modern world; hate white civilisation; are prisoners of moral and cultural relativity; and truly believe that the human is not exalted but merely an unnatural and unnecessary disease which needs to be eradicated. In order to achieve their vision of a Brave New Eco-World, they engage in lies, manipulation, and obscene rhetoric. Globaloney Warming is an obvious example of the cult's degeneracy and mendacity.

“The founder of Earth Day, Senator Gaylord Nelson was not shy about using hyperbole to drive home his belief of the dangers presented. He famously proclaimed that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”

It would appear that something miraculous occurred since that first Earth Day and today as the Earth is teeming with life just as it was then.

Nelson was not alone in attempting to foreshadow a world of death and destruction. Dr. Paul Ehrlich, author of the largely discredited 1968 book “The Population Bomb,” was famous for making outrageous claims.”

Not a surprise that such a queer day as Earth-Communist Day was originated by a 'Gaylord'. Like the word 'Submission' or Islam, the name reveals all.  Nelson, Gore, Suzuki, the UN and the entire edifice of the Gaia cult are mere criminals preying on fear and disinformation in order to acquire money and power. This has been the pattern for over 40 years of eco-hysteria in which every possible disaster has been foretold – and proven to be false:

“In 1968, in his best-selling book The Population Bomb, scientist Paul Ehrlich declared: "In the 1970s the world will undergo famines - hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death.

In 1972, in their influential landmark study The Limits to Growth, the Club of Rome announced that the world would run out of gold by 1981, of mercury by 1985, tin by 1987, zinc by 1990, petroleum by 1992, and copper, lead, and gas by 1993.

In 1977, Jimmy Carter, President of the United States incredible as it may seem, confidently predicted that "we could use up all of the proven reserves of oil in the entire world by the end of the next decade."

...with enough oil for a century and a half, the planet awash in cut-price minerals, and less global famine, starvation and malnutrition than ever before, the end of the world has had to be rescheduled. The latest estimated time of arrival for the apocalypse is 2032.....[The] United Nations Global Environmental Outlook predicted "the destruction of 70% of the natural world in 30 years, mass extinction of species, and the collapse of human society in many countries ... More than half the world will be afflicted by water shortages, with 95% of people in the Middle East with severe problems ... 25% of all species of mammals and 10% of birds will be extinct ..." Etc., etc., for 450 pages. But let's cut to the chase: As The Guardian's headline writer put it, "Unless We Change Our Ways, The World Faces Disaster." 

Every year the Earth Day people regal us with more tales and prognostications of woe, doom and millenialism. None of them have come true, and none of them will. The latest end of the earth year is set for 2017 [according to Prince Charles]. Globaloney Warming will eradicate all of the natural balances which have existed for 4 billion years by then.  Co2 a chemical which is less than 1% of all atmospheric gases is going to 'force' the utter dislocation of life and habitat, and wipe out the entire natural biomass. Surely you believe that you don't you ?

Hating humans, life, progress and disavowing natural law rights is not an ideology of peace, wonderment, and happy optimism. It is a death cult. Like Islam, the Earth Day people pine for the end of the unbelievers and a world run by the true, pure devotees of the cult, resplendent in their intelligence, and morality, shining in their exemplary concern for nature and the Earth Mother.

Well that is the propaganda anyways. Like Islam, the Gaia cult is an intolerant, fascistic theology, steeped in lies, stupidity and hate.

Let's celebrate Human Achievement Day instead of Green Fascism day shall we?