Sunday, August 9, 2009

Another example of the Church's irrelevance.

Anti-semiticism is legion within most church groups.

by StFerdIII

Many people like myself refuse to go to church. It is not that we don't want to – we see the value in spirituality, mental therapy and metaphysics. But we can't. We simply don't want to be assaulted by a barrage of leftist nonsense and pronouncements on topics about which the Church has no idea, no depth of knowledge and no expertise. It is fantasy-land when people maintain that anyone who goes to Church is 'right wing' [whatever that means]. For the past 40 years Church's have been decidedly communalist, anti-capital, anti-Jew, anti-American and anti-reality – left wing. The recent anti-semitic declaration by the United Church of Canada is just the latest example to support this truism.

The United Church is a collection of various Protestant sects, and was once a powerful social and political force. No longer. As the virulence of its anti-modern message has accelerated the size of its congregations have diminished. The average age of a UC attendee is in the 60s. While this might be true of many Churches, the decline of the UC is particularly striking given its once powerful social position. It is no coincidence that as the UC and other Churches have decided to enter into areas of debate about which they hold no expertise or intelligence, so too have their memberships been decimated.

The Church's message has to be simple and focused on what the Church understands – spirituality, mental therapy and applying ecclesiastical doctrine to modern times. Yet the further away from the basics the Church has strayed, the more dangerous, radical and ridiculous has been its messaging. For most Churches including the UC, its entire edifice of positive mental therapy has been progressively destroyed through a left-ward lurch in orientation. Instead of the Book of Matthew being transposed onto our modern world, the regular UC attendee is assaulted by the usual leftist-greenist nonsense passing for 'news' in our world:

-Fear mongering about Globaloney Warming
-Obsessive concern with Natives
-Radical sermons denouncing Israel, the US and capital and by extension business
-Unfettered pacificism
-Moral equivalency between for instance Islam and the West
-Deep concern for homosexuals – but not for Jews

The Church has no business even bringing up such topics and certainly no intelligence to offer on them. The Church's radicalization and neglect of its core business strength – metaphysical mental therapy – ensures its own destruction. No one who is sentient wants to be verbally attacked during a quiet Sunday by people who have no clue about the topic of discussion.

And so inevitably and sadly the United Church makes its un-official anti-semiticism, official. According to the Ottawa Citizen:
“The church will consider numerous resolutions, among them several that express extreme hostility to Israel.

It's not just the double standard -- singling out Israel, a liberal democracy, as the world's greatest outlaw state? -- that raises old memories of scapegoating the Jews. No, it's the language in the background materials, available on the United Church's website, that has shocked so many people.

One document warns that "some Members of Parliament are affiliated with the State of Israel" and "have sensitive roles in Canada." Is this a coded reference to Jewish MPs, in an attempt to raise the ancient accusation that Jews are duplicitous and have dual loyalties?”

The UC has long been an anti-semitic group. It is also virulently hostile to America and capitalism. But think of the absurdity of that position. Christianity is a Jewish sect. Christ was a Jew, killed by Romans in alliance with Sadducees or Jewish leaders who had everything to gain by Roman rule in Israel and everything to lose if Roman power was to vanish. The 'Jews' en masse, did not kill Christ anymore than they did John the Baptist. And Paul's letters condemning the Jews is one part of the Bible which is not only disingenous but racist, and part of Paul's attempt to de-Judaize the Christian cult.

Business and capital likewise, are the life-blood of any charitable organization including the Church. Instead of demonizing capital the Church should be supporting it. After all it was the medieval Catholic Church which was instrumental in deploying capital to agriculture and invention which radically improved crop production, life expectancy and the European standard of living. The Church was long in the vanguard of capitalism. So why the modern animus towards free markets and by extension freedom of association, effort and speech ?

The Church is making a mockery of itself. It is no wonder that it can so easily be demonized by its opponents. Like the UC, most Churches are left wing aberrations of nonsense and hate. They stand for nothing positive. They don't like the Book of Matthew with today's reality. And they engage in demented and pathological expositions on topics they simply don't understand.

The Church in-toto, has become almost totally irrelevant.