Sunday, July 23, 2006

Israel's War is the West's War

This is no time for appeasement and platitudes

by StFerdIII

Appeasement and the sick obsession of left liberalism has apparently infiltrated the Jewish tribe. A disturbing anti-reality group called ‘Jews for Peace’ recently demonstrated in San Francisco blaming of course Israel for the war in the Middle East and protesting against Jews living in Israel. It is hard to understand the mad ravings of such liberals who ignore history; cause and effect and refuse to understand the death cult and hatred that is a genetic strain of Islam which screams daily, that Jews must be annihilated. Instead of comfortably marching around the liberal haven of San Francisco these peace zealots should either have lobotomies or engage in a realistic assessment of Israel’s and the West’s struggle to save civilization.

It is incredible that even a minority of Jews in North America and abroad find fault with Israel and America. These two countries stand firm against the evil cowardice acts of terrorism. This Jewish minority wrongly blame Israel and America with retribution. ‘Jews for Peace’ and other anti-war groups put all American and the world at risk with their unwise words of pointless stupidity and support for the Islamic terrorist enemy. They might as well be called ‘Jews for Fascism’ or ‘Idiots against the West’. The fascistic elements of Islam have no interest in peace; brotherhood or bi-directional love songs. The ‘Idiots for peace’ gang is blind to some obvious facts and reality. But since all reality is relative according to left liberal hacks, it is not a surprise to hear and see such public imbecility as shown by the ‘Jews and Idiots for peace’ group.

Western and liberal culture is by its nature not prone to aggressive war. The greatest wars in history were started by socialist states [see the 20th century for more detail]. Orthodox liberal democracies are too busy with building civilization to engage in meaningless warfare. Wars are not, as the left wing will state emphatically, good for the economy. In fact they are quite bad for the economy. Wars are government managed and fought and as any economist will tell you the true cost of a dollar of government spend is far greater than the actual dollar and it displaces more productive private investment. Standing armies; transport; sending men overseas; bureaucracies; rebuilding costs all affect the internal health of the economy and state. Wars might stimulate technology advancement and logistical/communication innovations but the cost is staggering. The more a government owns of an economy the worse it is for the average citizen and this includes GDP spend on the military [see the Soviet Union which had 40% or more of its budget allocated to the military for information].

It is clear that Western societies are quite at home with peace. This is why the Iraq war is unpopular. Democracies prefer peace, not body-bags. War disrupts markets; financial bourses; and adds uncertainty to an already challenging life. Israel as a Western state is no different in many respects than say Holland or Canada – except that it is surrounded by pagan fascists screaming for its erasure and is constantly under attack. When not under attack one could assume that the people of Israel live their lives in peace. They do not hold animosity toward others and indeed 1 million Muslims live with full and equal rights within the state of Israel.

However, extremist Islamic terrorists do not hold the same values as Western civilization. Radial Islam is a religion of death. The zealots' goal is to kill all Jews. They are obsessed with Israelis, who live in a country no larger than the state of New Jersey. Terrorists want to kill Jews and all other infidels. This is the problem. Anyone who does not hold their fundamental revolutionary Islamic beliefs is considered an infidel. All lands current and past that had once belonged to Islam must now be Islamic. According to this logic southern France, Spain, Sicily, the Balkans and the Black Sea Lands must be given back to Islamic control – not only Israel. Similarly, areas in Europe that are Muslim dominated must be handed over to Islam – not just Israel. This is called the Millett system and it is just another plank in the platform of Muslim expansion. Islamic hatred of the West is not confined to Israel. It includes all of the West and any locale where Muslims once ruled or now form a majority of the population. It is not only a Jewish problem, but a world wide problem.

The left liberals and media are not too concerned by all this. Because Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel are so far away, many in the West don’t care. But this is ignorance. Liberals do not want to recognize the war on terror. They willfully refuse to take a look at the entire scope of the war on terror. Many want to forget what happened on September 11th, 2001. Radical Islam was at war with the world years ago. Many refused to see the danger then, and they don't want to see it today. Islam, fuelled by oil money, is on the march.

The Associated Press reported that Hezbollah stood ready to attack Israeli and US interests worldwide. "We have 2 000 volunteers who have registered since last year," said Iranian Hezbollah's spokesperson Mojtaba Bigdeli. "They have been trained and they can become fully armed. We are ready to dispatch them to every corner of the world to jeopardize Israel and America's interests. We are only waiting. If America wants to ignite World War Three ... we welcome it.” Sounds very moderate. I would tend to take a fascist madman at his word – if he threatens to kill me I should probably start thinking about killing him first.

Syria, Iran, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other groups have mobilized tens of thousands perhaps hundreds of thousands of jihadists to wage war against the West. Israel’s war is our war. If we are blind to this and fail to erase terror groups and their state sponsors we will pay a future price far in excess of 9-11; 7-7 or 3-11. Israel is Western and as vital a part of our Western culture as any European or North American state. We should be sending men and money to defend it and pursue and destroy terror in the Middle East.