Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Deny, Ignore, Spin! Some useful Liberal strategies in dealing with 'Moderate' Islam

Islam is only 'Moderately' violent

by StFerdIII

What percentage of Muslims believe in Islamic Jihad and Muslim world domination over the kaffir – diseased rest? Eighty? Five? Ten? Forty – Two? Who Knows? [How many Germans were Nazi party members? -3%. How many Russians were Communist party members? -5%. ] In light of recent attempts to blow up London, and Glasgow Airport, how can the liberal media be so certain that Islam is a moderate, loving ideology, where most if not all Muslims cherish family values and peace?

If only 3% of Germans were officially members of the Nazi party, why was World – War Two necessary? If the communist Nomenklatura, like their Nazi–brethren, kept party rolls to a selective 5% of the total population, why was the Cold–War, fought across the globe using proxy armies, a necessity? Surely most Germans were moderate and most Russians were civilized? Didn’t Sting, pre–empting Sheryl Crow and the Dixie Chumps, opine that Russian loved their children too? Didn’t German revanchism in light of Versailles and national humiliation make sense? Surely the Russian communists had claim to empire after losing 25 million people in World–War Two?

Percentages are empty. Two matters count when dealing with states and empires. The first is the reigning ideology which informs all aspects of culture and society. The second is the goal of cultural development. Does it trend to liberty or freedom? Or is it repressive, controlling, violent and coercive? Ideologically and culturally the Arab-Islamic empire has nothing in common with Western civilization. They trend in opposite directions.

Ideologies create hierarchies. The Nazi party dominated Germany by building a parallel state to challenge and control the normative state (see Ernst Fraenkel). A small group of men managed this parallel state. In Lebanon Hizbollah has enacted the same strategy. In Palestine Hamas has chosen the Russian communist strategy – obliterate the opposition and consume any existing functionaries in the creation of a terror – state. Again to be managed by a small elite. Whatever the tactics, the patterns are clear. In oppressive, fascist states, an elite will impose ideological and cultural servitude on the mass.

The Arab imperialist culture, manifested in Islam and Koranic absolutism, is remarkably intolerant. The Islamic elite fight internally over power and dominance [Shia, Sunni, Kurds]. Ideologically different states engage in hot and cold hostility [Sunni nations versus Shia nations]. But most vitally Islamic elements in imitation of Mohammed’s warring, fundamentalist, and expansionist Arab empire, are at odds and in a death struggle with Jews and the west.

Islam and the Arab Empire are, when compared to the west, incredibly weak in military, economic and materialistic terms. But this is not the vital point. It is culture which counts. Fuelled by technology, petro dollars and emigration to western states, the Islamic virus is one of history’s most dangerous bacillus. It is the cultural equivalent of the bubonic plague.

So some little bands of Muslim youth, [‘disaffected’ no doubt] try to blow up London or a Scottish airport. Nothing happened so the usual liberal fantasies are unveiled. None of major networks mention Islam or ‘Muslim’ in connection with the plots. Extensive, Liberal usage of such phrases as, ‘amateurs’, ‘incompetents’, or ‘linked to Al Qaeda’, dominate coverage. For those who forget, Al Qaeda is an extremist Muslim sect.

Instead of reporting on Paris Hilton, maybe the liberal – Islam friendly media, can investigate Islamic organizations and mosques in western states. Some investigations by non – mainstream outlets are revealing the depravity found in western nations, within Muslim Fora of all varieties. Britain’s ‘Observer’, Sweden’s ‘Daily Paper’, Fox News documentaries, the film 'Obsession’, and other investigators are accessing Islamic mosques and schools to show the true cultural threat Islam poses. We need a lot more such investigations.

Whether 15, 20, 45, or 7 per-cents of Muslims support the establishment of a world – wide Muslim ‘Umma’ is immaterial. The happy, smiling, smug multi – cult loving westerner, will never know what goes on behind closed Muslim doors. Read Hitler’s speeches. He declaimed that Nazi Germany had no aspirations at European and world domination. Yet the underlying ideology and culture of Hitlerite Germany made war inevitable. It is a good lesson to remember when the liberal media mentions the holy greatness of ‘moderate’ Islam. Weren’t most Germans ‘Moderate’ as well in 1939?