Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11: Remembering who we are

We have never been a society of eco-cult, multi-cult, post modern wimps and ignoramuses.

by StFerdIII

November 11th 1918. German-Prussian militarism was defeated. Ten million dead soldiers and ten million plus civilians littered a devastated Europe. The Great War was followed by the War against jingoistic fascism; a Cold War against Russian imperialism; and now we face Islamic fascism – an ideology quite similar to the totalitarian ideologies of Nazism and Communism. So what should we remember?

We should remember that freedom, prosperity, civil rights, education, wealth and happiness are precious and historically anomalous.

We should remember that the modern world was created by Western European civilisation and that we moderns are heirs to a glorious 4000 year history – stretching back through Rome, Greece and ancient Judea.

We should remember Leonidas and the brave 7000 Spartans, Thebans, Phocians and Thespians who held back for a crucial week, the 250.000 strong horde of Xerxes in 480 B.C., allowing the Grecian allies time to crush the Persians in 3 straight victories and thereby save the West from the East. This was the first and most crucial war to save Western liberty.

We should remember Galen of Syracuse who defeated the overwhelming swarms of Carthaginians in Italy at the same time that the Greeks were defeating the Persians in the Aegean, thereby preserving Greek culture in the West, which had such an enormous and beneficial impact on Rome.

We should remember the spiritual, military, social, economic, philosophical and scientific prowess of the ancient Jews, Greeks and Romans, as they strove to create the basis of everything we know today.

We should remember Charles Martel the Frankish King who annihlated a Muslim army at Poitier in 732 A.D. ending the Muslim advance into Europe and the threat that Europe would become Islamic.

We should remember the Crusades which showed the superior technology of the West, as small numbers of men, sent over vast distances, were able to conquer and hold great swathes of once Christian and Jewish lands for 200 years, far from Europe. This forward action proved that Europe was more than an economic and military match for the Seljuk Turks and their Islamic vassal states.

We should remember the remarkable Russian destruction of the Mongols and Islamic tribes, starting in the 14th century under Ivan III and continuing until the capture of Black Sea and the Caucasus by Peter and Catherine the Great, thereby preserving and spreading Christendom in the East.

We should remember the patchwork of Italian, French and Spanish naval squadrons which destroyed the Ottomans at Lepanto in 1571, opening up the Mediterranean to complete European domination, which was essential for military security and commerical trade and innovation.

We should remember Jan Sobieski and his Polish knights as they saved Vienna in 1683, butchering the Turks and sending Islam out of the heart of Europe.

We should remember the British led coalition which defeated the crude dictatorships of Louis the XIV and Napoleon in the 17th and 19th centuries, allowing England and Europe to create the modern world.

We should remember that German militarism and fascism was only defeated by a belief in the superiority of freedom, liberty, hope and life. German and Japanese fascism, like Islam, was a death cult which denied these basic ideals.

We should remember that Communist Russia was defeated in part because Communism, like Islam, kills the moral man and destroys individual accountability and purpose. People cannot be held in such bondage forever.

We should remember the that Islam has much in common with Nazism and Communism.

We should remember that Marxists, socialists, and eco-fantasists have never been in the vanguard of defending civilisation.

We should remember that the men and women who died during the Great War, and who defended Wesern civilisation during the Second and Cold Wars, were animated by a self-confident belief in who they were, and what they stood for.

We should remember that cultural relativism is the death-knell of civilisation.

We should remember that multi-culturalism means nothing except the historical rewriting of our superior civilisation.

We should remember why those before us, who fought and died, believed in themselves, their country, their civilisation and their world.

We should remember that the modern world was built on those much wiser, less narcisstic and more devoted to reality, freedom and hope than ourselves.

We should remember to bow our heads in remembrance, feeling ashamed for our post-modern cult.

This is what we should remember on November 11th – freedom is precious and Western civilisation is the greatest moral, spiritual, economic and political project in history. Islam is not.