GlobaloneyWarming is such an obvious scam, with so many self-interested parties making money including governments, the Uselss [and Jihadic supporting] Nations, and Warmmongers such as L Ron Gore, David Suzuki, the CRU[d], and the 'Copenhagen-Cancun [aka Can-Con] consensus' complex; that the eco-terrorists and fascists would have to advertise 'climate change' to save themselves. So now the really clever people with their corrupted and criminal databases, algorithms and adolescent ideas, are now chirping that any natural event is caused by Co2. Cue Mr. Harris – a real scientist who writes,:
......Another predictable pattern is that environmentalists and those involved in climate science corruption will present natural events as unnatural. They’ll claim the events support predictions of increased disasters due to warming. Tolstoi explained the problem for these people. “I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.” Eventually their intellectual blindness is overcome by events and they become extremists defending the indefensible.
Mr. Harris leaves out the obvious allure of career opportunities, money, power and UN approval – all good for the narcissistic GlobaloneWarmonger non-scientist, who wants to prove himself worthy of his PhD. So now we have the coldest winters ever recorded in parts of Europe in 2003, 2007, 2008, and now 2010, being attributed of course, to Co2 and Globaloney Warming. July 2003 and snow in Moscow ? No problems. October snow in Germany and Scotland ? Easily explained. -30 C in parts of Eastern Europe in the worst spell of cold ever recorded ? Don't worry. Co2 and warming equals cooling – and anything else for that matter. Goebbels would be impressed. So too would Allah. Submit to the Eco-terrorist cult. Think not. Inquiry never. Just accept. No wonder Marxists find so much to love about Islam. What the Eco Fascists need to do is to find an idol, like the moon idol Allah, to venerate and demand obedience to.
As Harris explains the Globaloney 'science is closed' cult, is now demanding that Co2 causes everything, from El Nino in 1998 which brought with it anamolous warm weather; to expanding Antarctic ice caps, the paucity of hurricanes, the coldest English winter since 1653, and even snow during the 2010 Australian summer. What reasonable person possibly believes that a natural chemical like Co2, which is less than 1% of atmospheric gases causes anything? Cultish bunk and mental junk. It denotes a paradigmatic cultural shift in our view of reality, or contra-reality. The real world is now replaced by the fantastical. As Mr. Harris states:
It’s hard to understand the purpose of some things, like the role of extremists. The current situation in climate science provides the answer. They’re the bookends of a shift in society’s views of the world. Academics call them paradigm shifts, a term used by Thomas Kuhn in his work on the philosophy of science. They are fundamental changes in approach or underlying assumptions. Climate change is a subset of the paradigm shift of environmentalism.....Extremists grab the new idea and claim it as theirs. They then bully the rest of society into accepting their view with a missionary fervor. Part of the problem is the majority sees the new idea as improvement.
Bullying, lying, coercing, screaming. These are the actions of a cult. There is no rational debate with the Eco Terrorists. They won't let the peasants see the database models, the algorithms or even the data sources. In fact the original 1998 IPCC scare mongering data sets were lost. The intolerants won't allow non cult members to submit temperature readings or establish new non-urban locations. In fact the number of stations recording temperature has declined by half in recent years with the new focus on urban temperature gathering. How convenient. And no methodologies or processes of scientific analysis are given to peer or public review. The cult uses ridiculous database driven models and is 100% certain of the temperature in 2100, even though their models cannot even forecast accurately last year's actual weather and temperature. It is a colossal immorality premised on criminal fraud.
The problem for the Warm-mongers is that they can't go back now. Co2 has been identified as the villain prima inter pares – a proxy to be sure of the diseases, stupid, shallow, primitive race [Eco Terrorists are of course, not officially part of the human race, since they are the cult which will lead us to hope, change and perfection].
IPCC Report they narrowed the focus to CO2 so definitively that there is no way out except to appear increasingly extreme and even ridiculous. No matter how much they identify natural climate changes as unnatural they are confronted with the fact of declining temperatures and increasing snowfall.
Bad Science Makes Bad Predictions
The boats are burnt, the bridges destroyed. The only way forward for the Eco Terrorists is to conflate human activity with every natural weather pattern. Like Allah who wills everything every second, the dialectical forces of humans producing Co2 will escalate climate destruction. So the natural climate of the earth, which happens to be an ice age, will be blamed on mankind, even though cooling temperatures have nothing whatsoever to do with man, nor do weather patterns in general:
The original claims of increased storminess and severe weather made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) are scientifically incorrect. Most severe weather and storminess are created by difference in temperature between two masses of air. On a global scale it occurs between cold polar air and warm tropical air along the Polar Front (Figure 1).
This works unless you know what is actually happening, beyond reduction in the number of stations used to determine global temperature and manipulation of the data by Schmidt’s boss. Figure 2 shows Jet Stream patterns that are coincident with the patterns in the Polar Front. There are two general forms, Zonal and Meridional.
As the world cools because of decreasing solar activity the dome of cold polar air expands. The mean position of the Polar Front is closer to the Equator, but it doesn’t expand evenly. The pattern of Rossby Waves changes from zonal to meridional because the cold dense air pushes further south. Of course there’s a balance as warm air pushes toward the Pole. These are the warm areas identified by those scrambling to defend their thesis.
So cooling is now the new warming. The only explanation one can make for the surviving power of Eco Terrorist nonsense, is that the cult fills a spiritual need for some people. Judeo Christian civilization is too demanding, too complicated, and too full of follies and immoralities to be understood or defended – or so these people believe. It is easy, better and more satisfying to belong to a cult that has all the answers, and dispenses with the JC tradition to focus on pre-neolithic earth worship, conflating that with the 'children's future', even as they propose to kill many of our children along with 30-50% of the human race in order to limit Co2 and save Gaia. Fascist cults do have their attractions, but only for the mentally incompetent and psychologically deranged.