Tuesday, September 27, 2011

'Scientists' Geo-Engineering the climate now...all to save Gaia

The Eco-Cult marches on.

by StFerdIII


From the 'you have to be kidding' files. 'Scientists' are going to pollute the atmosphere to gauge how they can control the near troposphere through the use of particulate metals. They term this 'geo-engineering'. So now the social engineers aka 'scientists' have decided that climate can be managed just like people within a Keynesian formula.

....SPICE — short for Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering. This preparatory step — which involves spraying nothing more alarming than water — will assess the engineering feasibility of spraying other, riskier materials into the atmosphere.

Next year, SPICE plans to follow up on a much larger scale. A helium balloon with a diameter the size of one to two football fields will lift and then disgorge several hundred tonnes of pollutants into the atmosphere.

The pollutants, which will then blanket much of the globe over a period expected to take several months, are likely to involve sulphate particulates — the stuff of volcanic emissions — to simulate the cooling effects of natural eruptions. After the 1991 eruption at Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, the planet’s temperature dropped by 0.5C for two years.”

All due to GlobaloneyWarming of course. There is no greenhouse – otherwise the Earth would resemble Venus dry and hot – but the eco-cult persists in politicizing science and fear-mongering the naif peasant mass [all of us who are not elitists that is], that the human emission of 4% of total Co2 will derange the loving earth mother. If our mother goddess warms, then perhaps an ejection of volcanic material might cool it, if enough or just the right level of sulphur is used. A sentient person might want to ask however, 'what if the experiment goes horribly wrong and unforeseen consequences arise and what if the Globaloneywarming scam is all hot air?'. A worthy opinion and objection.

But unlikely to be countenanced.

Naysayers do exist. Science doesn’t know how these emissions could be “turned off” if the experiment doesn’t work out as planned, these critics point out. And just because nature can effortlessly handle large but rare bursts of particulates from volcanoes, that doesn’t mean she will fare as well with the continual injection of particulates....

The list of things that scientists say could go wrong? The pollutants may not disperse evenly, causing unanticipated and unknown regional effects, not just in temperature swings but also in rainfall, disrupting plant life on earth. The ozone layer that protects us from ultraviolet rays could be harmed. Monsoon failures in Asia and Africa, and droughts elsewhere, could result. A humidification of the stratosphere could occur. And there would also be cosmetic effects: a tarnishing of the skies, altered cloud formations, and altered sunsets.”

Ah a nice long list of what could go wrong. But really what choice do the elites and eco-fanatics give us detestable humans? In their narrow minds GlobaloneyWarming is real and must be counter-acted. So what if playing around with 'geo-engineernig' results in dead humans [they like that result]; famines[they like that result, less humans]; destruction of sunsets, cloud formations and plant life. If we need to we must destroy the world to save it. So says the eco-cult. Geniuses at large.