Friday, October 14, 2011

Herman Cain and lessons for the rent-a-mob children who 'Occupy' public spaces.

The Clueless Wonders united.

by StFerdIII

Anarchists, Communists, Green Nazis, Twenty year old airheads, the social justice crowd; Obama Lovers and those who are deeply, and profoundly concerned over the children's future...the usual dregs of society 'march' and squat in city center's to rage against the machine and corporatism. As if this is a new target of hippie anger and angst. Maybe the Occupy-Public-Spaces-Paid-for-by-Other-People-who-Work-crowd, should get real degrees, or get a job, or work towards productive goals. You don't need a college degree to succeed in life – see Jobs, Gates, Ellison, Dell, Edison, Bell, Wright, Ford, Laziridis....


Maybe those with too much time on their hands should stop hating the 'machine', the 'system', and 'capitalism' and join the real world. Note to these whiners, the state controls half of the economy so we don't have capitalism. It hasn't existed in any real form ever, with perhaps a short exception during the late 19th century [even that era was rife with mercantilism]. We have state controlled markets. Maybe the rag-bag, smelly and disjointed anarchists and Che-loving revolutionaries should remove themselves from Wall Street and skip gaily down to Washington to protest the real issue; ever more government, and the nexus of politics, banks and finance. The great man Obama who received $100 million in the last election cycle from Wall Street, and $160 million from big unions should be your target, not people working in finance houses. It was Bush-Bama after all who bailed out the Banks, the car firms, and who gleefully funnel $50 billion a year into various Green Tech and Agro-friendly policies and subsidies......

For every OccupyWallStreet participant, there are 20,000 kids in India cramming for a calculus final.

In other words,

  • the Indian kids are serious and the squatters on Wall Street are dilettantes looking for a concert ‘rush’.

  • Indian kids struggle to get ahead, the Wall Street Squatters struggle to get laid.

  • the Indian kids may have bathed today, but it wasn’t in their very own tiled bathroom. The Squatters defecated on police cars. The epitome of kewl.

  • The Indians want a chance. The Squatters want a megaphone so they can take turns interrupting.

  • The Indians add, or will add, to global productivity. The Squatters will consume.

  • Indian kids hope. Squatters hate. Just ask them for the photo-copied list the nice union man gave them.

  • Indian kids have been educated. Squatters don’t need no education, at least not one they’re willing to pay for.

  • Indian kids study maths and sciences. Squatters major in Queer Dance Theory After the Death of Patriarchy.

  • Indian kids dream. Squatters scream.

  • Indian kids have learned to persist because life isn’t fair. Squatters are determined to repeal that basic law. “Down With Gravity”.

Indian math teacherInvestors’ Business Daily had an editorial on someone who is eminently qualified to dismiss the squatters and their grown-up, corrupt enablers: [my emphases -D]

As Democrats, corporations and billionaires fell all over themselves to cheer Wall Street mobs protesting capitalism and demanding free rides, the lone voice of Herman Cain challenging them spoke for the rest of us.
The unkempt protesters and their tent camps, garbage heaps and drum circles making Wall Street and other U.S. cities unbearable don’t have an articulate set of demands.
But their desire to end capitalism and still enjoy free-flowing government largesse is a constant, along with their nonstop claim to represent the “middle class.”
It’s as at odds with reality as the cast of characters jumping on their bandwagon of support: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, responsible for $1 trillion in wasted government “stimulus” that went to cronies and destroyed millions of jobs, and President Obama, who publicly demonized business, despite taking in unprecedented Wall Street campaign cash.
Local politicians looked the other way on permits and handed out “free” tents, ponchos and porta-potties, in Los Angeles.Meanwhile, billionaire speculator and convicted inside trader George Soros threw support - and money - to these same protests against capitalism.
Now luxury ice-cream retailer Ben & Jerry’s, a unit of a multinational corporation as noted by, has joined the anti-business fun, tweeting: “To those who Occupy: We stand with you. We admire @OccupyWallSt & those around the country who have joined in solidarity.”
Amid this kultursmog of contradictions, a stark clarity from GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain stood out unlike that of any other national voice.
Don’t blame Wall Street; don’t blame the big banks. If you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself,” Cain told the protesters, who had lately been calling for debt amnesties and “free” education.
It is not someone’s fault if they succeeded,” said Cain, confronting class-warfare head on, “it is someone’s fault if they failed.”
Cain’s stance was powerful, not just because it reflects the experience of millions of America’s “silent majority” - who’ve never asked for any special privileges as “their due” - but also because of who Cain is.
There couldn’t have been a single protester in any of those Wall Street protests who had to move the mountains Cain did through his life to rise to the top. He took on the disadvantages of race, poverty and lack of privilege without complaint, and emerged a winner.
The son of a chauffeur and domestic worker, Cain began his career first in the military, and then put his all into the study of math, science and economics. He rose to the top of the restaurant industry by pulling two major chains back from the brink of bankruptcy.
He then scaled even higher heights, serving as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Kansas City.
Is there a single, whining protester in the Occupy Wall Street mob who has such a capacity for hard work, humility and leadership? We rather doubt it.
They may be middle-class as they claim to be, but only in the sense that 1960s Weather Underground terrorist and Obama mentor Bill Ayers was also middle-class - a spoiled, self-absorbed radical who has posed most of his life as a “revolutionary,” while working from a privileged perch within the far-left reaches of academia.
It’s the very opposite of Cain’s sterling character and life experiences. And he isn’t letting up.
I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration,” Cain told the Wall Street Journal. [Me, too - D]
For ordinary Americans who must make their way in the world with some of the same disadvantages as Cain, his words ring true.
Yet, curiously, he was almost alone in speaking out - only GOP Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin made comparable acerbic observations. Where are the other presidential candidates with Cain’s boldness? [Hiding in the bathroom, maybe? - D]
Cain’s willingness to confront an irrational and self-absorbed mob - which, as it grows, will be capable of acting out in far worse ways than it already has - is a sign of Reagan-like leadership.
As the moral void in today’s political leadership continues to widen, Cain’s courageous stance may turn out to be even more important than it looks.

Cain is already looking very important. He'll have the courage to address the black robmobs, too. In comparison to Cain, Obama looks more and more like the “protestor-president” he’s always been. His clue bag is every bit as empty as the lawless children he openly and stupidly admires.