Some recent facts and observations which contradict the Globaloney-Climate-Fear-Mongering cult and its addiction to money, power, control and regulation. Facts and reality make no impact on the Warmists of course. But ignoring data and lying is now called 'science' and activists are now relabelled as dispassionate 'scientists'. Likewise bug gene investigator David Suzuki is a 'climate expert' and US political buffoon L Ron Gore is a high priest of disinterested morality and Mother Earth concern. Right.
1) MIT Professor Lindzen's recent presentation to the British Parliament. An excerpt:
A doubling of CO2 , by itself, contributes only about 1C to greenhouse warming. All models project more warming, because, within models, there are positive feedbacks from water vapor and clouds, and these feedbacks are considered by the IPCC to be uncertain.
If one assumes all warming over the past century is due to anthropogenic greenhouse forcing, then the derived sensitivity of the climate to a doubling of CO2is less than 1C. The higher sensitivity of existing models is made consistent with observed warming by invoking unknown additional negative forcings from aerosols and solar variability as arbitrary adjustments. Given the above, the notion that alarming warming is ‘settled science’ should be offensive to any sentient individual, though to be sure, the above is hardly emphasized by the IPCC.
And on page 28 of this presentation:
“Our present approach of dealing with climate as completely specified by a single number, globally averaged surface temperature anomaly, that is forced by another single number, atmospheric CO2 levels, for example, clearly limits real understanding; so does the replacement of theory by model simulation. In point of fact, there has been progress along these lines and none of it demonstrates a prominent role for CO2. It has been possible to account for the cycle of ice ages simply with orbital variations (as was thought to be the case before global warming mania); tests of sensitivity independent of the assumption that warming is due to CO2 (a circular assumption) show sensitivities lower than models show; the resolution of the early faint sun paradox which could not be resolved by greenhouse gases, is readily resolved by clouds acting as negative feedbacks.”
2) The worst winter in decades in Europe is apparently proof of the GlobaloneyWarming thesis due to mental contortions of irrational, scientifically impossible theories that the warm makes its cool...... An ice age is far more likely than winter disappearing from northern climes:
“Habibullo Abdusamatov, a scientist from the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences considers that the sharp drop in temperature will start on the Earth in 2014.
“According to the scientist, our planet began to “get cold” in the 1990s. The new ice age will last at least two centuries, with its peak in 2055.
“It is interesting, that the same date was chosen by the supporters of the theory of global warming.
“The expected decrease in temperature may … become the fifth over the past nine centuries, reports Hydrometeorological Center of Russia. Experts call this phenomenon the “little ice age”, it was observed in the XII, XV, XVII, XIX centuries. This cyclicity makes the theory of upcoming cold weather in XXI century look like truth.”
3) Every year is the warmest year – even if it isn't. The globe has been cooling rapidly since 1998 – a fact never reported by the LameBrain Media. John Coleman the founder of the Weather Channel states the obvious:
“Question 1. What percentage of the air is CO2?
Respondents' answers: nearly all were 20% - 40%, the highest was 75% while the lowest were 10%- 2%.
The Correct Answer: CO2 is less than a mere four 100ths of 1%! As a decimal it is 0.038%. As a fraction it is 1/27th of 1%. (Measurements for CO2 vary from one source to another from 0.036%- 0.039% due to the difficulty in measuring such a small quantity and due to changes in wind direction e.g. whether the air flow is from an industrialized region or a volcanic emission etc)
Nitrogen is just over 78%, Oxygen is just under 21% and Argon is almost 1%. CO2 is a minute trace gas at 0.038%. For a detailed breakup of the atmosphere go to:
Question 2. What percentage of CO2 is man-made?
Respondents' answers ranged from as high as 100%, with most estimating it to be between 25% and 75%.
The Correct Answer: Nature produces nearly all of it. Humans produce only 3%. As a decimal it is a minuscule 0.001% of the air. All of mankind produces only one molecule of CO2 in around every 90,000 air molecules! Yes, that's all.
Question 3. Is CO2 is a pollutant?
Respondents' answers: All thought it was a pollutant, at least to some degree.
The Correct Answer: CO2 is a harmless, trace gas. It is as necessary for life - just as oxygen and nitrogen are. It is essential to photosynthesis, the basic process that makes plants grow. Without CO2 there would be no crops, no flowers, trees, grass or bushes. Co2 is a natural gas. It is clear, tasteless and odorless. It is in no way a pollutant.
Calling CO2 a 'pollutant' leads many to wrongly think of it as black, grey or white smoke. Because the media deceitfully show white or grey 'smoke' coming out of power station cooling towers, most think this is CO2. It is not: it's just steam (water vapor) condensing in the air. CO2 is invisible: just breathe out and see. Look at it bubbling out of your soft drinks, beer or sparkling wine. No one considers that a pollutant - because it's not.
Question 4. Have you seen any evidence that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect?
Respondents' answers: Most did not know of any definite proof. Some said they thought the melting of the Arctic and glaciers was possibly proof.
The Correct Answer: There is no proof at all. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (the IPCC) has never produced any proof. There are, however the following proofs that it can't cause a greenhouse effect.
• It is true that CO2 can absorb heat a little faster than nitrogen and oxygen but it becomes no hotter because it cannot absorb anymore heat than there is available to the other gases. This is against the laws of thermodynamics. All gases share their heat with the other gases. Gas molecules fly around and are constantly colliding with other gas molecules so they immediately lose any excess heat to other molecules during these collisions. That's why the air is all one temperature in any limited volume.”
So we have records in cold, ice and snow set almost every year in some part of the world. Co2 is a natural chemical that is less than 1% of all gases and necessary for life. Volcanoes have more impact on the climate – as do sunspots – than 100 years of human activity. Trillions has been wasted on everything from climate studies, to hybrid cars, to ethanol destroying engines, to Wind farms – all in the name of the earth goddess. And this is a rational, enlightened, informed, and profoundly nuanced culture of intelligence and insight? More likely it is the real Dark Ages, with the Middle Ages looking resolutely more cultured and civilized.