The coming Ice Age – caused by C02 which follows climate and is 1/3 of 1 % of atmospheric gases? Hmm right. That is why the cult of Greenist Warm has mutated their self-interested, activist fear-mongering to 'Climate Change'. Yes apparently the climate has changed and will continue to do so regardless of Co2 levels. We are in a trough of colder than average temperatures when one looks at the earth's climate over a billion or more years.
Climate today is cool and getter colder. Most likely a mini-ice age is forming, not a warming up of the dear Earth Mother. But no matter. If you develop an insipid computer data model and program it full of unscientific algorithms, then the warming trends will produce cooling, since the trace chemical C02, mostly emitted by Mother Earth, will 'trap' infrared sunlight re-radiating it and heating up the earth's surface. The warmer areas will collide with the cooler regions causing climate disruption. No negative feedback loops and other causal variables are allowed to enter into the programmatic thinking of the activists cum scientists. Or if they are they are minimized. Natural physical laws are ignored or amended as the cult of Green reshapes the physical universe to fit into their religious cult's dogmatic view of the world. Thus warming causes cooling. This lying, corrupt fanaticism is now called science.
874 discrete events are now apparently caused by GlobaloneyWarming including dead camels; the Arab slaughter of Blacks in Darfur, genetic changes, suicide, an increase in crime and extramarital affairs; more dead birds, cane toad invasions, and women taking up prostitution. Who would have thought that the trace chemical C02, and by extension all human activity, was so evil? The Greenie cult of death and irrationality leaves little to chance in their propaganda campaigns. Bad hair-cuts and sagging jeans were sadly left off the list for now. All due to a climate which has gotten cooler in the past 14 years. Now that is settled science! A trace chemical which follows Climate is now history's most criminal toxin.
C02 has always followed climate [See Palisad for the most informative detailed graphics on what the Vostok and Dome Ice cores mean and why they strongly mathematically suggest CO2 follows temperatures and has little effect on them. This is what you need to see to understand “feedback” or the postulated “amplification.”] The lag is about 800 years. Maybe the UN-IPCC would condescend to interrupt their propaganda and their activism and actually partake of some science. Or at least they can attempt to answer some simple questions, one of which would be, 'how can a trace chemical which follows climate, cause it ?' Or 'if C02 compounds the increase in warming why isn't there a runaway greenhouse effect like Venus?' Activism is not science. Neither is science-fiction.
Further reading:
Petit et all 1999 — analysed 420,000 years of Vostok, and found that as the world cools into an ice age, the delay before carbon falls is several thousand years.
Fischer et al 1999 — described a lag of 600 plus or minus 400 years as the world warms up from an ice age.
Monnin et al 2001 – looked at Dome Concordia (also in Antarctica) – and found a delay on the recent rise out of the last major ice age to be 800 ± 600
Mudelsee (2001) - Over the full 420,000 year Vostok history Co2 variations lag temperature by 1,300 years ± 1000.
Caillon et al 2003 analysed the Vostok data and found a lag (where CO2 rises after temperature) of 800 ± 200 years.
A colorful but informative and link-filled presentation is here.
Excellent summary of the papers on the lag at CO2 science.