Thursday, December 13, 2012

Reality Deniers: The cult of Warm and the Scam of Climate-Baloney

Lots of money and power at stake. The Neolithic cult persists.

by StFerdIII



The U.S. is about to undergo this madness in the form of a deluge of Environmental Protection Agency carbon dioxide regulations that will strangle the economy and kill jobs. Unless the Congress can eliminate them via legislation, it will constitute a form of national suicide.

The United Nations isn’t just involved in climate treaties. It is seeking control over the worldwide Internet, the oceans of the world, gun control, and regulating the rights of parents to exercise control over their children’s health and well being.” Link


The cult of warm is part of the same national-international socialist fetish: control, globalist governance, more taxes, more regulations, and more tithes to support the bankrupted national-socialist state, and the useless United Nations international system. There is no science to globaloneywarming; globaloneycooling; globaloneyclimatechange or globaloney-whatever-sounds-good-so-we-can-impose-world-government-and-massive-taxation. The cult of warm is an artifice built on lies, which are built on fraud; which are built on malignant aspirations. The average tax-payer gets nothing out of this cult except a guaranteed reduction in income, living standards and freedom.


The Reality-Deniers who support the cult of warm; or the cult of 'climate-change', and who liv in a world devoid of science and inquiry, cannot explain the following:


-Co2 is a cooling agent, not a warming agent


-Why is an ice-age the climactic norm ?


-How did the last ice age end if Co2 is a trace chemical [the climate fantasists attribute Co2 to the ending of the last ice age]?


-How does a trace chemical – Co2 – which is 1 % or less of atmospheric gases, cause climate to change ?


-Why are there so many snow and ice records set every year across the world ?


-Why don't the 'scientists' discuss underwater volcanic activity under the Arctic as a reason for the expansion and contraction of that ice mass ?


-Why is there a record Arctic refreeze during the Fall of 2012 ? Surely GlobaloneyWarming would obstruct such an expansion of ice ?


-Why is the Antarctic at a maximum ?


-Why were there more 'vicious storms' including hurricanes and tornadoes during the 1930s and 1940s ?


-Why did 'global' temperatures drop between 1945 and 1975 leading to globaloney-cooling ?


-Why have temperatures gone down in the past 16 years ?


-Why aren't the UN IPCC models and data sets, made public for professional reviews of coding, algorithms, logic and data model integrity ? [surely if globaloney-whatever is of such importance, people in IT should have a look at the architecture of these 'models' ?]


-Why are most of the 'scientists' quoted by the cult of warm, actually eco-activists current and former ? [2/3 down on the above link which is a great overview of the cult of warm fraud; also a good book is Laframboise's exposition on the cast of unsavoury eco-fanatics who populate the 'scientific consensus' so beloved by the lame-brain media].


-How can there be a 'global climate' when such factors as the Sun, and Oceanic movements [not modelled by the cult of warm], are in interaction with physical thermodynamics which make 'climate' and 'weather', very local and quite regional developments ?


In the name of 'science' please answer the above. Surely there is enough 'debate' that the activism cum scientism is surely unsettled.


The cult of warm is mendacious, arrogant and frightfully stupid. There are 1 million variables in climate and 'weather', the most important being the Sun, and Oceanic movements, neither of which is 'modeled' by the cult of warm, in their fantasies parading as science. When combined with thermodynamics and other convection based variables, it truly takes a simpleton to suggest that one trace chemical causes climate to change, strange weather patterns to emerge, hurricanes to erupt, snow to fall, or oppressive heat on a summer day. When the cult of warm lies and says there was no medieval warming or cooling periods, that should be a dead giveaway that activism not science, is at work. The earth warms and cools and the 5 % of total Co2 emitted by man has no effect whatsoever on 'weather'. To take the eco-fascists at their word; and remake 'science' to fit the 'greenhouse theory' [the earth is obviously a convection system with negative and positive feedback loops]; we would need to kill the Earth Mother who emits 95% of Co2, in order to 'save her'. Stupid.


Created by Cuffy and Clow in 1997, and based on Greenland ice core records, this chart shows global temperatures for the past 15,000 years. [link]