It is not an exaggeration to state that Churchill-Reagan-John Paul II and Thatcher were the giants of the 20th century in geo-politics. The big 4 did more than any other 'quadrumvirate' to save and expand Western civilization. Arguments to the contrary are unconvincing, premised on ad-hominems and a-historical and rather absurd Marxist rewriting. The world would be far worse off without these 4 leaders. It tells a lot about a person whether or not they support these 4 and admire them for their skill and leadership - or detest them.
Paul Johnson a British historian and former Thatcher speech-writer, calls her the most trans-formative female leader since Catherine the Great [link]. This is undoubtedly accurate. Oddly feminists, 'progressives', and those who detest old-white [especially Christian] men, loathe Thatcher. Her reforms saved Britain from bankruptcy, and she was able to keep the clutches of the [z]Euro zone and its self-imploding currency off of the UK.
“Thatcher reinforced this essential improvement by a revolutionary simplification of the tax system, reducing a score or more "bands" to two and lowering the top rates from 83% (earned income) and 98% (unearned) to the single band of 40%.
She also reduced Britain's huge and loss-making state-owned industries, nearly a third of the economy, to less than one-tenth, by her new policy of privatization—inviting the public to buy from the state industries, such as coal, steel, utilities and transport by bargain share offers. Hence loss-makers, funded from taxes, became themselves profit-making and so massive tax contributors.
This transformation was soon imitated all over the world. More important than all these specific changes, however, was the feeling Thatcher engendered that Britain was again a country where enterprise was welcomed and rewarded, where businesses small and large had the benign blessing of government, and where investors would make money.
As a result Britain was soon absorbing more than 50% of all inward investment in Europe, the British economy rose from the sixth to the fourth largest in the world, and its production per capita, having been half that of Germany's in the 1970s, became, by the early years of the 21st century, one-third higher..”
All true. It was a remarkable resurgence. Britain in 1980 looked to be on a sure path to insolvency. 20 years later the City of London was a financial centre akin to New York, and by 2000, British firms were again competitive. Thatcher's peace-time transformation of Britain was as important as Churchill's war-time leadership. Even in war she was decisive. The Falklands War saved 2000 British subjects from the miserable tyranny of a morally repulsive and culturally degenerate Argentina. Today the UK would probably not fight the Falklands, preferring to pen furious letters of indignation at the Useless Nations Assembly, or protest in the op-ed pages of the MSM. Hot air and verbal-vomit cum rhetoric is so much easier than the hard work of action.
Thatcher made many mistakes as does any human. She handed over Hong Kong to the Chinese Communist Party without proper safeguards for its democracy or citizens – a wrong she never admitted to. She supported and funded the cult of globaloneywarming, later recanting and apostasizing but the damage has been done. This cult is now trying to take over political and economic processes in every major state. Insiders said that near the end of her career she was somewhat imperious and too dominating. Power does indeed corrode if not corrupt. The poll tax on over-taxed Britons was a fiasco. But on the big issues – freedom, responsibility, private charity, removing the curse of UK socialism, destroying the power base of Communist supporting Unions, avoiding the rank hypocrisy and communalization which swept Europe, eschewing the Euro, building up the military, forming a positive and mature relationship with the US, projecting force and power abroad, standing up for Western and British virtues – she was right and that is why she is great.