Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bronze Age collapse due to naturally occurring climate 'change'

How does history fit in with the models of quacks and Co2mmunists ?

by StFerdIII

 Paper by B. L. Drake of the Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico, on what is already well known. 'Climate Change' destroyed many Bronze age civilizations including that of the Hittites and the urban centres of the Eastern Mediterranean between the 13th and 11th centuries. [link]

A sharp increase in Northern Hemisphere temperatures preceded the wide-spread systems collapse, while a sharp decrease in temperatures occurred during their abandonment. (Neither of which, I am sure – the increase or the decrease – were caused by humans.)

Mediterranean Sea surface temperatures cooled rapidly during the Late Bronze Age, limiting freshwater flux into the atmosphere and thus reducing precipitation over land, says

This cooling and ensuing aridity could have affected areas that were dependent upon high levels of agricultural productivity..... The resulting crop declines would have made higher-density populations unsustainable.

..Those four centuries – known as the ‘Greek Dark Ages’ – were typified by low population levels, rural settlements, population migration, and limited long-distance trade.

...Large population migrations took place, most famously with the incursions of the ‘Sea Peoples’ into the Nile Delta and the Levant.

...While economic collapse continues to be the dominant theory for the collapse of Palatial Civilization in the Bronze Age, climatic/environmental explanations have also been proposed. (I think the climate conditions triggered the economic collapse, of course.)

Conditions improve following the introduction of iron tools, and accelerate at the beginning of the Roman Warm Period at 350 BCE....” [link]

Today activists and human-haters who call themselves 'Scientists' and who peddle irrational unscientific balderdash on behalf of the eco-communist movement; would blame Co2 for such a collapse, a trace chemical which in the Bronze Age was likely 3/100 of 1 % of atmospheric gases. Drake could also have added information about the cosmic interference circa 1650 BC [likely time of Exodus] from either Venus [a new planet] or some other comet, which became entangled with the Earth and caused massive destruction of both human and civilized life. In any event, it is well-documented that the mid and late Bronze age period were subject to both celestial or cosmic forces, and naturally occurring cycles of changing climate which turned once lush areas into arid wastelands. Every Eastern Mediterranean culture has myths, legends, stories and tales outlining the eradication of once prosperous urban and civilizational centres. It is highly unlikely that human induced Co2 had anything whatsoever to do with this change.