Monday, July 15, 2013

Solar activity falling off to lowest in 100 years. Surely earthly human-emitted Co2 is to blame ?

A trace chemical now is a toxic pollutant which causes 'weather' that is science !

by StFerdIII

 The cult of warming with their irrational non-science and shrill demands to reduce a natural trace chemical 95% emitted by Gaia, never regard facts, empiricism, or evidential processes as important. Co2 is such a minor gas you might as well blame changeable weather on neon or argon. The next step in the lies from this intolerant cult is to label Co2 as a toxic pollutant. Particulate pollution has nothing to do with the 1 million variables within the convection systems of 'weather' or climate. But since when does science make an appearance in the Warming cult's propaganda and lies ?

Lies abound when you discuss the cult of warm. Climategate revealed the sordid depths of depravity as 'models' and data, along with the media and establishment were manipulated and bludgeoned into following the cult of warm's nonsense. Famously the Climate Fascists with their hockey-stick curve, lied that the mini-ice age[s] during the Medieval period did not exist. Any high schooler knows that the medieval ice age was a real event, supported by thousands of instances of documented evidence.

The following is from the Irish Times on decreased solar activity, that the cult of warm and their media friends will not report on, or if they do, completely spin it around so that the reality of decreased solar activity activity has no bearing on earthly weather; and is of minor importance when compared to the hated-human's belching of cabon.

Irish Times

Solar activity has been falling steadily since mid-1940s, a change that in the past triggered a 300-year-long mini ice age.

At a teleconference yesterday in Boulder, Colorado, three leading solar scientists from Nasa, the High Altitude Observatory and the National Solar Observatory described how solar activity has been falling steadily since the mid-1940s.

The sun is undergoing “bizarre behaviour” said Dr Craig DeForest of the theAmerican Astronomical Society.

Sunspot cycle could be shutting down or entering a dormant phase

The sun’s current maximum activity period is very late and very weak, leading to speculation that the sunspot cycle itself could be shutting down or entering a dormant phase,” said DeForest before the teleconference.

The monthly average sunspot total should range between 90 and 140, said Irish solar science specialist Dr Ian Elliott, quoting from figures released by Nasa on the 1st of this month. But in fact, the present monthly average is only 67, Dr Elliott said. A typical average at maximum during much of the early 20th century was about 200.

The smallest solar maximum we have seen in 100 years”

It is the smallest solar maximum we have seen in 100 years,” said Dr David Hathaway of Nasa. We are currently in solar cycle number 24 which is about half as active as cycle 23, but cycle 25 is likely to be smaller again due to changes in the magnetic flux on the sun’s surface,” said Hathaway.

Another Maunder Minimum?

Dr Giuliana de Toma of the High Altitude Observatory acknowledged the clear signs that solar activity was in decline but this did not mean the earth was heading for another “Maunder Minimum”. This was a time between 1645 and 1725 when solar activity was extremely low or nonexistent, a situation which caused a mini ice age.

The fall-off in sunspot activity still has the potential to affect our weather for the worse, Dr Elliott said. Research by Prof Mike Lockwood at the University of Reading showed how low solar activity could alter the position of the jet stream over the north Atlantic, causing severe cold during winter months. This was likely the cause of the very cold and snowy winters during 2009 and 2010, Dr Elliott said.

It all points to perhaps another little ice age,” he said. “It seems likely we are going to enter a period of very low solar activity and could mean we are in for very cold winters.


Hurry cult of warm, you can include ice ages as being part of the warming, caused by the cooling, caused by the trace chemical, and of course, only caused by the 5% human-based emission of said trace chemical. Now that is science.