Monday, January 6, 2014

What Your Atheist Professor Doesn't Know (But Should) by Stephen Williams

What do these people know in general ?

by StFerdIII


Williams book is a good primer for students. What do Atheist professors know ? Have they worked in the real world ? Do they understand where civilization really came from ? Have they a clue about markets and price points ? Have they studied bio-chemistry ? Do they know real as opposed to Marxist revisionist history ? Do they even understand what real science is ? Is spending most of your early adulthood burrowing for a 'degree' in which group think predominates a lower or higher sign of intelligence ?

What is science ?

Climate theologians lauded as experts by the media, can't answer the most basic questions on physics, thermodynamics, or convection systems. Their models are a mockery and the data is often crucified to serve 'the end objective'. None of their code or assumptions is freely available for scrutiny or to ensure integrity. Is that science or dogmatic theocratic fascism ?

Darwinist 'scientists' screech that lizard scales must have turned to feathers to allow 'the great leap forward' from reptiles to birds. What evidence ? No fossils of such creatures exist. Where is the bio-chemical proof that lizard DNA can be tortured into bird [which bird ?] DNA ? How would a male lizard [by random chance] magically transform himself into a bird [or hybrid reptird]; and meet up with a female who has undergone the exact same process at the exact same time, in the exact same location in order to reproduce that 'evolved' organism ? The probability is less than zero. Yet from walking fish, to flying lizards; to feathered dinosaurs, to shrews who became Shakespeare, we are assured that science-fiction is indeed 'fact'.

I enjoy The Lord of the Rings, but though Elves have more of a chance of being true than Evolution, I don't demand that everyone believe in Elves just because I wish them to be real. There are no facts which support the existence of Elves as elucidated by the Christian writer Tolkien in his opus'. Just as there are no facts which support the mouse becoming the piano playing Mozart. You can add all the time you want. A mouse will still be a mouse.......

As Williams writes:

Darwinian, or macro-evolution, has not been reproducible under even the most artificially ideal conditions in the laboratory. Moreover, changes in most of the aforementioned parameters of fine-tuning would result in no planetary habitat forming that could support life, which eliminates the possibility of life before we even get to the insurmountable problem of biological assembly.”


Penrose's [an Atheist mathematician] number is more than a trillion, trillion, trillion times less than that [1 x 10 to the power of 50 which is the max power that science allows for 'chance' to occur]. In short, Penrose's number tells us that the “accidental" or "coincidental" creation of our universe is an impossibility.


..leading Darwinists,[have stated] odds of humans evolving from a single-celled creature are 1 in 10 x 24,000,000.” [in other words less than impossible]

Evolutionists know that life does not arise from dead matter. They also know that complexity does not form by chance. Yet due to tax money; grants; tenure; and professional 'reputation' the quackademics and others keep up their pretence at science aka fiction.

Williams: “Einstein, who is often falsely characterized as having been an atheist, once said of non-believers: “The fanatical atheists are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who – in their grudge against traditional religion as the ‘opium of the masses’ – cannot hear the music of the spheres.”

As Williams points out the massive, and yet to be understood complexity of our own bodies, and everything in our world, rules out chance. Chaos produces chaos not order. Randomness produces random events, not shape, structure and perfectly balanced natural ratios.

'irreducible and specified complexity of life has disproven Darwinian evolution'.

The complexity of the single cell alone disproves Evolution and mocks those who purport to uphold 'science' and 'logic', who state that lipids, membranes, DNA, RNA, Amino Acids, flagella, and all of the coding which goes into a cell to make it viable; occurred 'just because'. Williams quotes a former Atheist who left the cult after he started to think for himself:

Dr. Frank Tipler (Professor of Math and Physics at Tulane University): "When I began my career as a cosmologist some twenty years ago, I was a convinced atheist. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that one day I would be writing a book purporting to show that the central claims of Judeo-Christian theology are in fact true, that these claims are straightforward deductions of the laws of physics as we now understand them.”

Tipler and many thousands of other Atheists have left the cult precisely because it explains nothing. Evolution is a fantasy. DNA has no more hope of changing inside a specific species, than a cult of warming member has of changing his mind on the weather. Code is code. It does not 'mutate' by chance into anything positive and it certainly does not magically become another genetic sequence for another species.


If Darwin knew of DNA it is highly unlikely he would have put forward something as dumb as Evolution. What are the excuses of those today, who still support his cult ?