Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Big Bang, Big Fraud, Big Atheism

New claims about the Big Bang are hysterical and unscientific.

by StFerdIII


The main stream media and the state-funded 'scientific press' persist in their Big Bang Theorems. Big Bang theology, part of the Atheist cult and its dogma, is about as scientific, relevant, proven or real as Stephen Hawking, 'hawking' an old used car, and telling you that it is really a rocket ship. One could be excused for having more faith in saying walking-fish; talking-lemurs; or scales-to-feathers-flying-lizards, than in some nonsensical gibberish that the entire energy of the universe was compressed into a dot, exploded, and then voila, constellations, planets, life and physical laws, replete in infinite perfection were derived. Oh yeah. That is science.

Actually it is idiotic.

Big Bang means Big Faith — faith in the unknown, in theories, in suppositions, in prejudiced world-views being correct.…as if matter exploding creates order. It would only create chaos. As if gases got together post-some huge irruption, and magically formed constellations, planets and suns. As if the perfect distance from the moon to the earth; or from the earth to the sun was arranged by chance. Big Bang is Big Atheism. Period.

Science is more like quackery in many ways. The current support for the Big Bang sci-fi fantasy is the following:

-A team in Antarctica 'claims' to have found [somehow] signals of what they term, “B-mode polarization” in the cosmic microwave background. [wow as if that is by itself something to get so excited about...]

-Given their world-view of Atheism-Evolution this 'team' states that these signals provide evidence of gravitational waves [they never say why]; which was caused by [drumroll].....the big bang. [they never say how...]

-This 'team' has ruled out any other cause for the 'B-mode signals'. This is called 'science'.

So now biased results stemming from biased expectations, founded upon uncorroborated data and theorizing is passed off by the media as 'absolutely correct' and 'confirmed the Big Bang'. How much in state funding did this 'team' receive and how much more will they now get for extending the cult of the Big Bang which the state so dearly loves to spread ? Quackery posing as science to gain access to tax dollars does not make their 'findings' legitimate or real.

Some obvious problems with this non-science:

-The data is exceptionally weak, it has not been tested or reviewed by 'sceptics' or 'experts'; has not been replicated; and is unsupported in detail by this 'team'.

-Gravitational waves are known to be rather weak and open to many interpretations which this 'team' won't even consider. A number of different theories can account for the weak B mode signals, none of which are entertained by this 'team'.

-Cause and effect, what propelled the 'inflation' and signalling ? How did it occur and why would it occur ? No answers will be forthcoming. Therefore the Big Bang and its inflation are to my mind just miracles, a set of theories which deeply offends the Atheist-non scientific establishment.

 The Big-Bang is part of the Big Cult named Atheism. Caveat emptor.