Saturday, March 29, 2014

10 Reasons why Evolution is not science

Darwinism is another materialist-Atheist theology

by StFerdIII


Evolution offends science. If it was scientific I would support it. What is science ? Is it the fraud, data torture, lies and theology of globaloneywarming or Darwinism? Is it the transcendental 'joy' felt by Dawkins and other high priests of Atheism, as they grin and convene in their echo-chambers ? Negative. Science can be reduced to the following:

Seeking out the truth of the natural world using first observation, which develop into hypotheses; and then second, experimentation to prove or disprove said hypotheses. The process of discovery must be open, replicable, logical.

That is science. Easy enough. What then of evolution. Do proofs exist to support the theory that dead matter became life; or algae the astronomer ? No, none exist.

  1. Law of abiogenesis: Life cannot arise from dead matter yet this is what evolution posits.

  2. Science of solar radiation: As the Sun grows 'older' its radiative power increases meaning that 3 billion years ago, the supposed beginning of life, the earth would have been too cold to support even the simplest of life.

  3. Law of entropy: All systems degrade including genetic material. They do not 'evolve'.

  4. Related to the law of entropy is the science of mutations, in which 99% of all mutations are negative. Mutations are mistakes in the genetic code they don't add value, but subtract information.

  5. Law of complexity: 48 feet of library book shelf code named DNA cannot arise by chance. [As if arose from random chance mutations of say Ebay].

  6. Related to point #5 is the fact that immaterial code cannot occur by chance. Software code does not arrive by chance. Genomic material, which is software code, cannot form by randomness.

  7. Science of organ development. Related to #5 is the fact that organs cannot change between species [reptile lungs cannot become the single lung of an aviary for eg]; nor can organs develop or be of any use in isolation. It is all or nothing [see the eye, the heart, the liver, the brain etc].

  8. Related to #7, meta-mutations between species has never occurred and has never been witnessed. No observational or geological record exists to support the theology of spectacular species change by chance or time.

  9. The science of the fossil record makes it clear that transitional forms have never existed. Critically life has appeared [and disappeared] suddenly and even more to the point; the simplest life [so-called] is extremely complex.

  10. Frauds. The evolution cult is riddled with frauds. Experiments, 'links' and the use of the words 'natural selection' are clear examples of fraud. Natural selection means nothing, a creature can only select what is in its complex genomic code. Adaptation is thus not evolution, though evolutionists try to conflate simple adaptation with algae becoming alchemists.

An objective person looking at the above, would or should have, a lot of serious doubts about the 'science' of Darwinism. Evolution offends science. In all areas of scientific investigation evolution fails, yet it is being taught and fed to children and the masses, as a 'law' akin to gravity. Ridiculous.