Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Dawkins Proof, by R. Barns

Rebutting the execrable Atheist-propagandist Dawkins

by StFerdIII


Barns is a former Atheist and scientist who, “...tried to be a consistent atheist....But I found that what consistent atheism led to was something unworkable....It was, paradoxically, my desire to be a a thorough atheist that drove me towards God.”

The cult of Atheism – which certainly is a collectivity of cultish rites, behaviours and attitudes divorced from science and morality – loses members every day, every week, every year. Anyone who bothers to study civilization, science, rationality, or who believes in ethics, morality, common-sense and personal purpose will find nothing of value in atheism. You might as well believe in fairy tales and little green aliens.

Barns' book is a good read since he so exactingly eviscerates Atheism's high priest, the dunce Richard Dawkins. Dawkins is just another lonely, benighted, Nietzschean-Atheist propagandist, who masquerades around as an all-knowing, god-like scientist. Dawkins' writings and arguments would look better if they were attached to the pen or computer keyboard of a 15 year old.

For an aged man in his 60s, Dawkins comes off as little more than a book-selling comedian or science-fiction writer, whose own illogical dogma contradicts and invalidates his cherished love of Atheism and Evolution. Dawkins famously said he would give up on evolution if shown proof. Well Dawkins I point you to the fossil record, geology, DNA, RNA, amino acids, the single cell, the 100 Trillion cell human, the brain, consciousness, morality, the laws of science, the cosmos, elliptical orbits, biogenesis.....etc etc. Did you leave your cult ?

Barns' book can be found online free of charge [here]. As with most scientists and those who study the 'why' of life, [why is there life, why does the earth rotate at a perfect rate of speed, why is there gravity, why is there DNA ? etc.]; Barns has reached the conclusion that no amount of evidence, no matter how compelling, will ever convince Dawkins or any other cult member of Atheism, that their approach to life is not only incoherent and confused, but ultimately immoral, useless, and devoid of rationality. In that sense Dawkins is not a scientist but a mentally unhinged Orwellian writer of fiction.

Some of Barns' key points include:

-Atheists believe that humans are just matter and energy [not composed of anything immaterial] and are therefore unimportant

-There can be no concepts of right and wrong, up or down, bad and good in the Atheist theology since you are just a series of accidental chemical reactions

-Thoughts have no purpose or singularity since they are just random occurrences of sub-atomic chemical charges [this means ironically that all of Dawkins' writings and musings have neither a relative value, nor any real merit]

-If only matter exists, how can abstractions exist ?

-The mind does not exist since it is 'immaterial'. Only the brain or the actual material organ exists. Atheists cannot explain thoughts, memories, ideas, dreams, or how the brain is 'controlled' and 'told' what to do. Material organs cannot 'think', 'calculate', or 'plan'.

-Dawkins has nothing to say about Hitler [an Atheist-Evolutionist of the first degree]; Mao, Stalin or the other 49 Atheist leaders of states in the past 100 years, who have conspired to murder some 200 million people.

-Evolution has been proven false by real science, yet Dawkins et al cling to the infantile belief that 'mutations' caused genetic changes, even though we know that mutations kill genomic material [they don't add value]; and that species' DNA cannot 'evolve' into another species. Random changes will only generate random chaos, not order and harmony.

-Atheism cannot account for the predictability and structure in nature; and is therefore anti-science

Barns' book is a very good tonic to those who are open-minded and rational enough to explore evidence, reason as well as faith. Atheist is certainly a cult of faith. Faith in randomness, faith in matter, faith in chaos producing structure, faith in relativity, faith that naturalism explains the complexity of humans and their is a cult built on nothing other than blind faith and disavowing morality.


As Barns states, 'The problem for Dawkins is that good and evil make no sense in his worldview.' That is true. Good and evil don't exist for Dawkins. Neither does science or reason.