Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tax money funding Darwin's cult - a state attack on science and Deism

State manufacturing of brain-washed Darwinites

by StFerdIII



Evolution ordains that every single one of us can trace our ancestry back to a single-celled bacteria. We are related to flowers, grass, yeast, and the Ebola virus. Every living thing on the planet should be invited to our next family reunion. The notion everything came from a single living cell that appeared via a miraculous and unknown process strains the limits of believability more than any religious creation story.” The Evolution Conspiracy, Vol 1: Exposing Life's Inexplicable Origins & The Cult of Darwin by Lisa A Shiel

Evolution is absurd. From tulips to teachers; from scum to scientist; from maple shoot to Marxist. This is called 'science'. Any sentient, intelligent person would call it a fantasy, so ridiculous that a science-fiction author would be embarrassed to publish it.

Cults are not science. The Darwinian fable is of course an attack on 'god', on morality, on ethics, on science, and on reason. It is the institution of fable for fact, lies for truth, and fantasy for science. This quackery is however, very well financed. In fact Darwinism is the de-facto cult theology of much of the world's academic, media and political community. It saturates education and pop-culture. Darwinism has nothing to do with enquiry or discovery. It is about control and money.

-Total Public education budget, from primary to tertiary, 2013 in USA: $1.1 Trillion [link]

-Estimated Education budget which funds Darwinian theology: $55 billion

[Back in 1999 a University of California professor requested from various research institutions (e.g. NASA and the Department of Energy) details of how much public money each agency spends on research guided by evolutionary theory. The total was $US10 billionwhich doesn’t include indirect research at educational institutions, or the billions of tax dollars spent on textbooks and audio-visual material for teaching evolution. <http://www.probe.org/docs/c-evolution.html>, October 14, 1999.]”

-Percentage of Academics who are Atheist [incl. 'agnostics] as % of the total: 62% [link, 2007 data, study]

Rice U. Ecklund's study of top-universities' academics, found that half are atheist-agnostic and about 15% are openly hostile to religion. If I did my own study I could easily find that 75% of academics are Atheists and 50% openly hostile to the idea of God. Studies are open to manipulation. As well, since many 'religious' people believe in evolution, such studies do not mean that 50% of academics who might believe in 'god' [which needs to be defined and elaborated upon], are against evolution. Quite the contrary. Fully 60 % or more, of academics believe in evolution. This number ties in nicely with the % of academics who are atheist [agnosticism is atheism]. This is just common-sense. A vast majority of academics are certainly believers in the cult of evolution and its Atheist theology.

So we have here some obvious truisms about evolutionary 'science'. First is the enormous amount of money both public and private [which runs into the billions p.a.], available for public primary to tertiary education on evolution and its propaganda. The state education systems, saturates both the teacher and the student with Darwinian dogma. The second is the matching of academia's ruling cult – Atheism – to funding and tax money at the university level. The third is that many of those who process tax funds for education are themselves Darwinists. Fourth, as with any ruling paradigm [see the Ptolemaic academic hostility to the Catholic Copernicus for eg], 'denialist' opinion is unwelcome and will be unfunded.

The state is manufacturing little Darwins, some of whom will become academics who will then perpetuate the miserable non-science of algae to astronomers. This state program is a direct attack on human dignity, worth and exceptionalism. It is a frontal assault on God-belief. How much easier is it to manage people into being sheep, if you can convince them that they are but a million mutations away from being scum or a bacterium? When the mass becomes so deluded, anything is possible.