Thursday, July 24, 2014

Photosynthesis and the Human Eye laugh at Darwinism and order from chaos

Darwinism is just another failed materialist-Atheist theology

by StFerdIII


From the Darwinism-is-settled-science department. Collectively humans don't understand photosynthesis, the most important natural event which creates the building blocks of life and a most complicated system to produce sugar or energy from sunlight. But evolutionists and quackitists are 100% certain that dead rocks in space contain life, and that a trace chemical 20 ppm emitted by humans, causes weather within a 1 million variable system of dynamic convection. Quackery is not science.

...Science Daily...Through photosynthesis, plants and some bacteria turn sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into food for themselves and oxygen for animals to breatheIt’s perhaps the most important biochemical process on Earth and scientists don’t yet fully understand how it works.

...researchers hope to reverse engineer photosynthesis, “to design materials that have appropriate vibrational and electronic structure to mimic this highly efficient charge separation process.” [Source]

According to Darwinism, photosynthesis is just a randomly produced system of complexity. It is not a big deal, and is usually described in text books as 'simple' or primitive. Yet these quacks don't know anything that goes on inside the black box of sugar production within flora. But they are certain it is a derivative of chaos. Nice.

Another Darwinist blunder of ignorance concerns the eye. Darwin wrote that the human eye disproves evolution, by its massive complexity. How would such an organ evolve by random chance, or mutations he asked ? Darwinists have spent a lot of time, lies, and innuendo in trying to demean the incredible intricacy of the eye and its connection to the brain and nervous system – a set of interfaces that magically appeared thanks to the Holy Trinity of time, chance and mutations [which kill genomic material.....]

The human eye is poorly designed ? Good grief. [Source]

Darwinists ..allege bad design (dysteleology), particularly in the alleged “backward” wiring of the human eye.  Some evolutionists have been adamant about this, claiming that a human engineer would never be so stupid as to put the photoreceptors behind a tangle of blood vessels.  The flipside of this argument has been that the eyes of octopus and squid got it right, with the photoreceptors in front of the vessels. 

This evolutionary argument began to unravel in 2007 when researchers found that Müller cells, penetrating the thicket of blood vessels in the human retina, actually provide near-ideal vision by acting as wave guides to the individual photoreceptors—providing better performance than could be had if the rods and cones were in front of the blood vessels (see 5/02/2007 and subsequent research reported 5/07/2010 about additional vision enhancements provided by the Müller cells).

..Nature News ..Under Research Highlights, the journal mentioned findings by the Technion Israel Institute of Technology about the “prism of the eye” that concentrates individual colors for best vision:

'Müller cells concentrate green and red light onto the daytime-light-sensing conesincreasing by up to ten times the amount of light they absorb than if Müller cells were absent. Blue light, however, leaks out of Müller cells towards rod cells, which enable night vision. Imaging experiments on isolated guinea-pig retinas largely confirmed the model’s results.

The findings could explain how light is able to travel efficiently through various cellular layers in the retina to reach the cone cells.”

So the eye is even more complicated than we previously thought. I am sure that more research into this organ will reveal wonders that are now hidden. Yet all of this munificence in architecture and function is merely a by-product of chaos and luck ?


Darwinism is not science. It is a philosophical world-view and theology named naturalism or material dialecticism. Free yourself. It is okay to use your brain.