Cults do not possess science. The cult of Gaia, infused and confused by the hordes of migrating Communists and Marxists, who watched horrified, teary-eyed, shocked, dazed and apoplectic as their heroic utopia the USSR imploded between 1989 and 1991; is not about science. Marxism is not about science. Neither is Communism. Gaia-worship is a paleolithic belief deeply rooted in pagan superstition, a necessary pre-science ignorance of natural and primeval forces; and wedded to a society stranded in Gaia's forces, surviving largely on her largesse and fickleness.
The cult of Gaia does not belong in a modern world. Plimer a Geologist and Phd [as if that really matters, but apparently to the high-priests of Gaia it does]; wrote the book after having a dinner conversation with some 'smart' bankers from London's City. He was rather perplexed at their ignorance about 'weather' and climate change; and wondered why educated young people are so vigorously locked-in to the Gaia weather cult and the nonsense of 'warming', 'changing', or 'weirding' of 'climate'. Pathetic is the only way to describe it. Brainwashed. The Nazis and Communists were and are very good at removing sentience from their followers. The Gaia cult is no different.
Plimer on the illiteracy posing as science:
“[the] slogan “Stop climate change” is a very public advertisement of absolute total ignorance as it is not cognisant of history, archaeology, geology, astronomy, ocean sciences, atmospheric sciences and the life sciences.”
“To reduce modern climate change to one variable (CO2) or, more correctly, a small proportion of one variable (i.e. human-produced CO2) is not science, especially as it requires abandoning all we know about planet Earth, the Sun and the cosmos. Such models fail.”
“Earth’s climate is driven by the receipt and redistribution of solar energy. Without this, there would be no life on Earth. Despite well-documented linkages between climate and solar activity, the Sun tends to be brushed aside as the driver of climate on Earth in place of a trace gas (carbon dioxide–CO2), most of which derives from natural processes.” [96% in fact]
If the cult of warming was about science they would not state anti-rational lies as 'facts'.
“CO2 is not a pollutant. Global warming and a high CO2 content bring prosperity and lengthen your life. Carbon dioxide is plant food, is necessary for life, and without CO2 there would be no complex life on Earth.”
“Climate models using increasing CO2 predict simultaneous and intense warming in both polar areas yet this has not happened in modern or ancient times.....there is no relationship between measured temperature and CO2 emissions. The hypothesis fails. ” [and the models are failures of course] ...
“...2500 “climate scientists”, we find that many are not even scientists. To claim that this group of 2500 people represents the world’s top scientists is untrue.”
The modern Gaia fraud has long antecedents. In past history it was not lavishly funded by government as anti-capitalism, anti-human controlling theology. Today it is.
“1827, Josephe Fourier suggested that the Earth’s atmosphere traps heat radiated by the Sun. In 1860, John Tyndall reported that it is only the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that have this property. Water vapour contributed to 95% of the “greenhouse effect” followed by CO2 (3.62%), nitrous oxide (0.95%), methane (0.36%) and others (0.07%).”
“1896, the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius tried to calculate the effect of CO2 that was being added to the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuel. He calculated that if atmospheric CO2 were to double, the temperature would rise by 5ºC. He was wrong.”
Lurid propaganda founded upon government largesse has not changed much since 1880 when the weather and some variety of warming or cooling nonsense was first identified as the end of the world. Same blah blah whether it is cooling, warming, changing, whatevering.....
“Climatologist Stephen Schneider co-authored a book in 1977 warning us of the horrors of a new ice age. He now warns us of the horrors of global warming. In Lowell Ponte’s 1975 book on global cooling, he states: Global cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for 110,000 years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance: the survival of ourselves, our children, our species.”
Historically 'warming' has benefited man and civilization. 'Cooling' has resulted in devastation, emptying of urban centres, famine, plague, death and misery.
“Greek mythology makes reference to deforestation, flooding, siltation of irrigation channels, salination and the collapse of the Sumerian city-states. Written records dating back to 5000 years ago describe declining crop yields and decreasing production of wheat relative to the more salt-tolerant barley. Patches of soil turned white, suggesting salt accumulation on the surface of agricultural lands. The drier conditions made it impossible to flush salt from fields.”
“Bronze Age to the Iron Age (about 800 BC), the climate was miserable. The early Roman authors wrote of a frozen Tiber River and of snow lying on the ground for a long time. Such events don’t happen in Italy today.”
“Roman Warming from 250 BC to 450 AD, temperature was at least 2ºC higher than today. It was a period of global warming. Population increased, there was excess wealth and warm climate agriculture could be undertaken in areas at much higher latitudes and altitudes than now. Forests expanded. This warming could not be due to human emissions of CO2.”
“Medieval Warming (900–1300 AD) was a wonderful time for life on Earth. Ice sheets, glaciers and sea ice contracted, enabling sea exploration and settlement at high latitudes. Grain crops, cattle, sheep, farms and villages were established on Greenland which was at least 6ºC warmer than today. Although there was a cold period of 40 years in the Medieval Warming, crop failures and famine were rare. The population increased and there was enough food to feed the additional tens of millions of people. Excess wealth created over generations was used to build cathedrals, monasteries and universities. The Medieval Warming was global. This warming could not possibly be due to human emissions of CO2.”
“History and archaeology show us that global cooling results in drought, social disruption, climate refugees, famine, disease, war, depopulation, collapse of civilisations and extinctions of plants and animals. Great civilisations prospered in warm times.”
Warming is a positive not a negative.
The earth's climate is a complicated 1 million variable convection system. Co2 is a minor gas in which 20 parts per million can be blamed on man....and there is no greenhouse 'effect' or there would be no life on this planet [see Venus – the 'scientists' in the 1940s and 50s did scream that life was likely on earth's 'sister' planet – another 'consensus'].
Cults do not possess even the rudiments of science. The Communist cult of Gaia is not an exception to that rule.