Monday, August 18, 2014

The Flat Earth Society and Patterns of delusion

Certain personality types are devoted to myriad cults

by StFerdIII


Patterns are discernible, especially in world-views and philosophies. For example, if you ardently believe that 'science' has 'proven' that cyano-bacteria 2.3 billion years ago [the number must be precise], started to 'mutate' and eventually became your god-in-flesh, Barry Soetoro, than many other patterns of 'thinking' will follow.

There is no doubt that most believers in evolution believe in a whole list of frauds including inter-alia:

-Naturalism, as explained by science explains all of life, its creation, development, existence and purpose. There is no immaterial in reality. Miracles, unexplainable events, and the complexity of life itself impose no need for reflection. 

-Materialism, or natural 'phases' and progressions explains the political-economy and gives rise to inexorable theories such as national-socialism; fascism; state control; Keynesianism and monetarism.

-Scientism and the incorrect cult belief that science is 'objective' and seeks out 'truth'.

-Globaloneywarming, expressed and supported by 'scientists' must be true.

-Communalism, where 'values' and 'love' of all of the 'community', always trumps the individual.

-Relativity and multiculturalism. There are no truths, all 'civilizations' no matter how barbaric and savage such as Islam, are the 'same', and there is no objective reality. 2+2 might indeed equal five.

-Sexual cults and perversions are 'normal', caused by never-identified 'genes', and represent 'alternatives' to mainstream patriarchal sexual repression. They liberate.

-Jews, Catholics and Western religious believers are all 'fanatics', 'dark age zealots', 'stupid' and malformed, living in irrational dogmatism. Only Islam and some strains of Buddhism are exemplary and spiritual.

I would bet that if you believe in one of these cults listed above, you are likely confessing at a church of many of the others. The current Flat Earth Society President is of course a devout follower of evolution and globaloneywarming, where a 20 ppm trace chemical necessary for life causes 'weather'. What a genius.