Stove: “Darwinian theory of evolution is an incitement to crime: that is simply a fact.”
Stove was an Australian philosopher who dared to criticize the cults of the 'Enlightenment', Marxism, Socialism, Government power and Evolution in which cyano-bacteria became the biologist. He was a professor of philosophy and unusual for academics, was quite alive to the follies, hypocrisies and rhetorical nonsense embedded in quackademic discourse. Stove was a partial-Darwinian cult member, believing that perhaps evolution as a 'nice idea', might explain lower forms and their adaptative capabilities. But when it came to higher forms and humans, evolution was mired in poverty, abstruse tautological hyperbole, and hand-waving.
Stove's book, Darwinian Fairytales: Selfish Genes, Errors of Heredity and Other Fables of Evolution will never be read by the cult's adherents mired as they are in their philosophical justifications. Evolution ignores reality. It offends the most basic laws of science. It is denied proof through the fossil and geological records. Bio-chemistry mocks evolution. Single cells are much too complex for the cult to re-produce in a lab setting – billions of dollars in tax funds notwithstanding.
Stove makes the following rather obvious points:
What natural selection – where ?
“If Darwin's theory of evolution is true, no species can ever escape from the process of natural selection. His theory is that two universal and permanent tendencies of all species of organisms-the tendency to increase in numbers up to the limit that the food supply allows, and the tendency to vary in a heritable way-are together sufficient to bring about in any species universal and permanent competition for survival, and therefore universal and permanent natural selection among the competitors. But this is clearly not true of our species now.”
“...our aversion to incest, our positive measures for repressing the increase of our numbers, the scope we allow to male homosexuality, and the value we place on the fidelity of wives and on virginity at marriage. No doubt there are other such things. The result of them altogether is that even if the Malthus-Darwin principle is a useful approximation to the truth for pines, and cod, it is nothing of the sort for human beings.”
What facts ?
“Darwin's theory of evolution is "a ridiculous slander on human beings." ... "amazingly arrogant habit of Darwinians" of "blaming the fact, instead of blaming their theory" when they encounter contrary biological facts.”
Hitler was a devoted Darwinian:
“Hitler found or thought he found an authorization for his policies in the Darwinian theory of evolution. He said, for example, that "if we did not respect the law of nature, imposing our will by the right of the stronger, a day would come when the wild animals would again devour us-then the insects would eat the wild animals, and finally nothing would exist except the microbes. By means of the struggle the elites are continually renewed. The law of selection justifies this incessant struggle by allowing the survival of the fittest. Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature."
“Darwinism has a closer affinity with National Socialism or Marxism than with Confucianism or Buddhism. Darwin told the world that a "struggle for life," a "struggle for existence," a "battle for life"29 is always going on among the members of every species.”
According to the non-scientist Darwin, a man who never performed experiments but who did spend a lot of time writing dialectical philosophy, we are simply evolved cyano-bacteria, who in our 100 Trillion cell form are now warring in a Hobbesian-world against each other, ripping to shreds our 'competitors', abandoning children and spouses; killing off the weak and sick [pace Nazism], never helping or aiding the less fortunate unless our 'altruistic gene' deems that to be to our 'advantage'; all the while 'naturally selecting' and preserving conferred genetic advantages in sexual reproduction and social dominance.
How absurd it all is. Yet this metaphysical hand-waving, akin to much of Aristotleian 'science' is now 'accepted' as a fact. Pathetic. Belief in such a theological abstraction points to devolution not evolution.