Four reasons amongst a 1000 I could list as to why the cult of Evolution, and the Darwinian-materialist sci-fi fantasy is so ridiculous, unscientific, and at its core, anti-humanist and anti-rational. Darwinian non-science is a conspiracy of dedicated fraud, funded by tax money.
1) Genes of apes and humans are different Darwinians have been dead wrong whenever they have claimed that the "genetic matter of ape and humans is 98% identical." The ape and human chromosomes are remarkably divergent and too different for "ape to human evolution" theory to adequately explain. For example, the human Y chromosome has twice as many genes as the chimpanzee Y chromosome and the chromosome structures are not at all similar. In fact it is highly likely that no more than 65% of human and ape genetic material is similar, and the vast array of differences from cells to skeleton only confirm this obvious observation.
2) Laws of Embrology There are laws of embryology that directly contradict "ape to human evolution." One reason is that genes work together in teams to form body parts during embryonic development. This makes it impossible to add genes to any genome because there is no way to coordinate any new gene with existing genes. Yet "ape to human evolution" requires apes and humans to be able to add genes - for example, the chimpanzee Y chromosome has 37 genes and the human Y chromosome has at least 78 genes.
3) No way to produce new genes The laws of genetics prevent "ape to human evolution" from ever taking place. One reason is there is no genetic mechanism that creates new genes. But "ape to human evolution" relies on apes and humans having the ability to create new genes with new functions. New genes are required in order to have morphological changes, such as gills into lungs or more efficient brains. So called "gene duplication" is not evidence that organisms can create new genes. Although bacteria can duplicate existing genes by mistake through "gene duplication," this only occurs in single sex bacteria and this is not evidence that apes and humans can create new genes with new functions.
4) Ape Chromosomal number different than ours: Darwinians have no explanation for why humans and apes have a different number of chromosomes. Darwinians claim that "chromosome fusion" of two ape chromosomes into a single chromosome resulted in humans having only 23 pairs of chromosomes while apes have 24 pairs. But there is not one example of "chromosome fusion" in mammals. Darwinians claim that 1 in 1000 human babies have a "fused chromosome" but this a lie. They are actually referring to Robertsonian Translocations, which are "translocations" and not fused chromosomes and does not result in a change in the chromosome number. Besides, scientifically derived facts refute "chromosome fusion" can occur in apes or humans.
Besides lies, non-science, and offending various laws of embryology and genetics, evolution is 'true'. There is no chance that apes became humans after 'we diverged' from simians 6 million years ago. Genes – software – don't magically mutate from ape to human and the vast gulf of software-genetic material between human and apes makes a mockery of the entire idea that 3 foot high bonobo chimpanzees are our closest relative. Pathetic.