Friday, October 3, 2014

The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, by Tim Ball

Globaloneywarming - just another Co2mmunist cult

by StFerdIII

 This book should be read by everyone who wants to know what is really going on with 'climate science'. Apparently a 20 parts per million trace chemical, used by plants as food, is now a toxin, and causing weather. If this offends common-sense and rationality then reading this book will offer insights into how and why this fraud is so deep, prevalent and persistent. Ball is a climatologist with a Phd Pretty Happy Dude degree. Appeals to authority is one of the hallmarks of the cult of warm's corruption. The Mafia Don appealing to the paid-off politician's authority for example.

What Globaloneywarming?

...3°C warmer on average than today for most of the 10,000 years.

IPCC achieved as similar to Lysenkoism. The Skeptics Dictionary explains: Under Lysenko’s guidance, science was guided not by the most likely theories, backed by appropriately controlled experiments, but by the desired ideology. Science was practiced in the service of the State, or more precisely, in the service of ideology.

It is Metaphysics not Science:

Vaclav Klaus’ book Blue Planet in Green Shackles succinctly summarizes the broader problem, which he summarizes as follows; Future dangers will not come from the same source. The ideology will be different. Its essence will nevertheless be identical: the attractive, pathetic, at first sight noble idea that transcends the individual in the name of the common good, and the enormous self-confidence on the side of its proponents about their right to sacrifice the man and his freedom in order to make this idea reality. What I had in mind was, of course, environmentalism and its present strongest version, climate alarmism.


What is unlawful is knowingly using deliberate deceptions, misinformation, manipulation of records and misapplying scientific method and research. Indeed, it is amazing how they deceived the entire world through using existing laws and societal structures; it fits the classic description of daylight robbery.

Wikipedia—a Falsified Resource for Students and Media...Perhaps the most insidious activity included controlling climate information through Wikipedia....Wikipedia umpire on Climate Change was a member of the UK Green Party and openly sympathized with the views of the controversial IPCC. So it was not a referee, but the 12th Man of the IPCC team.


...structure and mandate of the IPCC [UN International Panel on Climate Change] was in direct contradiction to this scientific method. They set out to prove the theory rather than disprove it. Maurice Strong and his UN committees made sure the focus was on human-caused change and CO2 as the particular culprit.

Phil Jones at the CRU [East Anglia UK Climate Research Univ.] which is the same as the IPCC: “I’ve just completed Mike’s [Michael Mann of Hockey Stick infamy] Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd [sic] from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Models are Junk:

Climate models are mathematical constructs that divide the atmosphere into cubes as shown in Figure 5. It doesn’t matter how many cubes you create for finer resolution because the data is simply not available, especially above the surface. The diagrams are cross-sections of average conditions, but they don’t show the complex dynamics required for seasonal, annual, decadal and millennial changes and you realize the computer models are incapable of even approximating reality

Nor has the IPCC subjected climate models to rigorous evaluation by neutral, disinterested parties. Instead it recruits the same people who work with these models on a daily basis to write the section of the Climate Bible that passes judgment on them. This is like asking parents to rate their own children’s attractiveness.

..[issues include] Filling in missing data incorrectly or inappropriately...Selecting stations that provide the desired result....Incorrectly adjusting for instruments changes used over time...Failing to or incorrectly adjusting for artificial heating by the urban heat island effect (UHIE)

Models are the most corrupt part of the CRU and IPCC fiasco, an exposure yet to emerge. They produced the ridiculous ‘scenarios’ of disaster used to promote control through fear.

Globaloney/ClimateChange-hooey is just another Marxist/Communist experiment in social control. Plunder taxpayers to fund Phds and their 'studies'. Enact high taxes and regulations. Move governance of all matters to the corrupt UN. Forgo nay forbade freedom and individuality. Wipe out the system of capital and markets which has created the modern world. Coerce Western states to become knaves and slaves of the 'Third World'.

Climate change is a metaphysical and political program. It has nothing to do with science. It is a religious cult which is fraudulent, evil and demonic.