Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Brain dead cult of Darwin - basic math mocks this cult

Can Darwinists think ?

by StFerdIII


Do Evolution cult members read ? Do they study their own cult dogma ? Do they understand basic science, bio-chemistry, or basic math. Have they investigated the true geological and fossil record ? Do they understand that miracles large and small do occur ? Or is the cult and its adherents just a vast cadre of Lysenkoists, Lamarckians, or Haeckels – all frauds of Darwinism – who delight in lies and cant ?


Consider the following from Meyer's book, 'Darwin's Doubt' [reviewed]:


average gene has about 1000 bases, then an average protein would have over 300 amino acids, each of which are called “residues” by protein chemists. And indeed proteins typically require hundreds of amino acids in order to perform their functions. This means that an average-length protein represents just one possible sequence among an astronomically large number—20 to the power of 300, or over 10 to the power of 390—of possible amino-acid sequences of that length. Putting these numbers in perspective, there are only 10 to the power of 65 atoms in our Milky Way galaxy and 10 to the power of 80 elementary particles in the known universe.”


critics and defenders of neo-Darwinian evolution now reinforce the same conclusion: if coordinated mutations are necessary to generate new genes and proteins, then the neo-Darwinian math itself, as expressed in the principles of population genetics, establishes the implausibility of the neo-Darwinian mechanism.”


Basic math alone makes the claim that algae turned into a Climate Quackitist moaning about plant food and weather; an impossibility. Surely the cult of Darwin can do basic multiplication and comprehend statistical probabilities ?


Even worse for this cult:


In December 2013, yet another stunning revelation was revealed by a research team led by University of Washington professor of genome sciences, Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos: a hitherto unknown genetic code which controls genes rather than being involved in protein manufacture—the rub is that this code is written right on top of the existing DNA code! In other words, it now appears that many of the 3-letter codons have a dual function—so have been appropriately dubbed ‘duons’6another nail in the coffin of neo-Darwinian evolution and certainly something Meyer would have included in Darwin’s Doubt but for its recency.” [source]



In other words we are still discovering just how complicated DNA SOFTWARE is. Software is not coded nor written by 'chance', through mutations which only degrade, or by some magic process of naturally-selecting the right 'code'. These ideas offend the sensibility of an eight year old. Darwinism is dead.