Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The unscientific cult of the Phd. Quackery and letters do not make science.

You don't need a piece of paper to be illiterate.

by StFerdIII


The corruption of science. The corruption of education. The corruption of degrees and certifications. A pattern, a trend, a diminution of quality is obvious in 'science', education, culture and learning in general. This has been ongoing since the days of Hegel in the mid 19th century, when academics became very interested in political theatre and power. It has only accelerated in its malevolence since.  

The greatest scientists in history who built the foundation of the modern world did not possess Phds, most were Catholic and their deeds were spread out from 500 AD to 1600 AD. You don't need a piece of paper to mark you out as scientific. You need a methodology, observational proof, experimental rigour, intelligence, a passion and knowledge about the topic under study and quite most importantly – honesty. Any activity you undertake which might support a theory must be reproduced by someone else. If not, you have not performed science but quite likely fraud or worse. 

Humans evolved from dogs:

Jennifer Viegas at Live Science headlined the story, “Dogs Understand Us Better Than Chimps Do.

An evolutionary rescue device was near at hand.  Viegas wrote, “Chimps … have likely not evolved the tendency to pay attention to humans when trying to achieve goals.”  

So the Phds now believe that chimps which were magically transformed by gods of randomness and chance into humans are somehow deficient in the single most important aspect of being human – rational intelligence. This is not news to anyone who has studied chimp or ape behaviour. These animals are simply not very smart, regardless of evolutionary propaganda.

But maybe chimps and dogs are not the ancestor of the human. Perhaps in the mythical tree of life it is the bird. Phds explain the evolutionary idea that perhaps humans evolved from pigeons: 

Joseph Castro on Live Science gave a demonstration of the storytelling flexibility available to Darwinists: “Finding the same level of numerical competence as the pigeons (and rhesus monkeys) in other species would help scientists understand if the ability evolved across species separately, or if a common ancestor shared the ability.”  A common ancestor of pigeons and primates might be some kind of early dinosaur.  Conveniently, those are not available for experimentation, although Tom Weller speculated they were pretty bright. 

Well wait. The Phds surmise that perhaps an 'early dinosaur' who magically transformed his scales into feathers is really the true ancestor of the human. Now that is science.  

Nothing can lie outside of the cult of Darwin – the state's chosen 'scientific cult', akin to say Lysenkoism for the Communists [a form of evolution] – or the Nazi appeal to 'science' which 'proved' that Aryans were super-humans and that Blacks, Jews, Slavs and Catholics [who in the main rejected evolution and survival of the fittest]; untermensch. Darwin uber alles.  

Discover skin and red blood cells in a dinosaur fossil? No problem, we now need to rethink skin and cell decay over 65 million years. No missing links between chimps and humans? No problem, pretty diagrams and illustrations will close that gap, along with deliberate frauds. No scientific proof whatsoever that mud, walking fish and shrews became the 100 trillion celled, 10.000 books of DNA software called a human? No problem. The god of random chance and selection took care of that. If you disagree you are an illiterate who is 'anti science'.  

And remember Darwinism is science not a cult of faith.......