Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Darwin Myth, The Life and Lies of Charles Darwin, by B. Wiker Phd

From Darwin to Hitler.

by StFerdIII


Wiker explores the life and the lies of Darwin. When I ask an evolutionist-Darwinist to name and recapitulate [to use a favourite Darwinian term of fraud]; one single experiment performed by Darwin to support his vast theory that life formed by chance and that pond scum heroically became the Victorian philosopher Darwin; not one single cult devotee can explicate one single true scientific attempt. Not one. These are the lies that Wiker discusses. Hand-waving and metaphysics, a theory designed to eliminate God, magical naturalism based on the rather stupid notion of 'natural selection' [selecting from what?, either you have the DNA code or you don't]; does not make science. It makes a cult.


Wiker's book is a good read, but he is far too polite towards his subject. He does outline the failings of Darwinism, but he suggests that Darwinism is not evolution – a completely incorrect claim. Darwinism is evolution. Darwin penned into a framework some 2000 years of evolutionary ideals, stretching back to Lucretius and and even 4th century BC Greek atomists. Abiogenesis is also evolution – life had to start from somewhere, though Darwin declaimed that the 'origins of life', which his books never discuss, would one day be found [the God of Gaps and the God of the future]. Evolution and Darwinism are indeed one and the same.


Wiker's book can be skipped through if you know anything about Darwin's life. I personally could care less about how nice of a father Darwin was. What I am interested in, is his theory and lack of scientific rigour. How did metaphysics became acclaimed as science? The key is that the poorly called 'Enlightenment' desired to kill God. Darwin's family rich and aristocratic, married into and allied with the famous Wedgwood family of porcelain fame; had a long history of anti-Deism and secular-materialist theological cant. Darwin was at least a 3rd generation evolutionist. Most of his ideas were of course purloined, stolen, borrowed and had long historical antecedents.


Wiker: “Darwin's intense desire to set forth a God-free view of evolution brought him to offer an account of human in which everything about human beings, even their moral capacities, is explained entirely as the result of natural selection.” and

..social Darwinism is not, as is typically assumed today, a misrepresentation of Darwinism, it is Darwinism....”


Hitler's entire Atheist regime was built on survival of the fittest, the ubermensch killing off the weak, the sick, the unfit and the untermensch. Morality and science were found in evolution, according to Hitlerian and Nazi dogma. The super-race of men were 'destined' by natural selection to rule over those less favoured by the material forces of nature. Might indeed made right. Death of the lesser humans was a moral obligation, in order to propel the human race 'higher' and fulfil evolutionary destiny. So stated the Nazis. Darwinism was very much a part of the Nazi racial theology. A point Wiker does not make. But he does say:


Death, Darwin thought, was the key to life....War, the incessant struggle of creature against creature, species against species, is the the true furnace of creation and progress.”


Hitler would have agreed. Indeed he did.  ‘He who would live must fight; he who does not wish to fight, in this world where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.’ " [Robert E.D. Clark, Darwin: Before and After (1948), p. 115]


Darwinism leads to Hitlerism and the extermination of 'lesser races'. That is just an inevitable fact of the asinine theory that mud became men and material processes are 'naturally' selecting, culling, killing, improving.....what then of charity, love, morality, feelings, consciousness, thought, reason and family. Life is just random molecules, random chance, random luck, and the strong killing off the weak.


Wiker quoting Bishop Wilberforce a noted 19th century Darwinian critic and savant of science:

If Darwin's theory were true, then human slavery was no less natural than ant slavery and hardly a matter for moral disapproval.”


If Darwinism is true, than murder, rape, slavery, slaughter, a holocaust or crucifying Christians in Iraq because they don't pray to the Meccan moon god is all fine. There is NO moral order, there can be NO ethical guide to life. None. 


What a sick perverted world the Darwinists inhabit.