Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Climate Change the Facts - no fiction please, just real science

Globaloneywarming is a cult of non-science.

by StFerdIII


A theory which purports to explain 'everything' such as Warming is not science, but a theology. Evolution is another such nonsense. Both Atheist theologies [Warmism is another secular-materialist phase theory]; promote that all evidence, even if it is contrary to cult dogma, proves the veracity of cult claims. So with Warming, we are told that the cooling, milding, melting, expanding, contracting, shrinking, exploding, nothing and whatevering, is all due to the plant food Co2, a trace chemical 4/100 of 1 % of atmospheric gas by weight, 5% emitted by man. This is beyond stupid. Even the ancient Greeks with their primordial, irrational fantasies of magic friends and goddesses would be embarrassed by such non-science.


From the book, written by real scientists who look at reality, 'Climate Change the Facts' [yes apparently the climate does indeed change, from entirely natural phenomena and convection cycles]....


Man-made Co2 is 1 molecule out of every 85.000 in the atmosphere.....


..water molecules are up to 100 times more abundant than CO2 (literally 40,000ppm vs 400ppm). And water vapour absorbs and emits across wider bands of the infrared spectrum as well. Not to mention that there are even pools of liquid H2O known to exist on the Earth’s surface—like one called the Pacific.”


Water is the main force in climate, along with the Sun:


Water is the real dynamo controlling the climate. While CO2 is steadily increasing year on year, levels of water in the atmosphere change by the hour. A CO2 molecule might float for years, but each water molecule stays aloft for only ten days or so, and once it has become part of a cloud, it condenses out in less than a day. The amplification is called positive feedback, and this particular feedback from water molecules is one of the biggest single factors in climate models.”


It used to be taught in grade 9 science that the main climate driver, other than solar activity was the hydrological process or water turning to various forms of condensation and repositories. Co2 has no impact whatsoever on anything, other than stimulating more plant and vegetation growth which benefits man and beast alike.


...modern CO2 levels lie near to an all-time low as assessed against the geological record. 500 million years ago, before land-plant photosynthesis was operating, atmospheric CO2 attained about fifteen times present day levels, built by cumulative volcanic exhalations during four billion years of pre-Cambrian time. Between about 450 and 320 million years ago, levels declined steadily from >4,000 parts per million (ppm) to around 500 ppm...and thereafter varied between about 500 and 2000 ppm.”


There is no consensus that plant food causes weather or climate:


..only 0.5 per cent of the abstracts of 11,944 scientific papers on climate-related topics published over the 21 years from 1991-2011 had explicitly stated an opinion that more than half of the global warming since 1950 had been caused by human emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases..”


Follow the money. It always leads to power-mongering, corruption, fraud and violence:


...global funds in the name of climate change is of the order of a billion dollars a day.”


GlobaloneyWarming or Climate Change is about money. Governments fund some $350 billion p.a. to promote the theology of Gaia. Various interests from the quackitist to the power-mad politician; to the one-world-wonders at the UN and global governance fascists, all benefit. This cult is not about saving the world. It is about controlling it.