Some facts about the Queer cult.
-AIDS costs more than cancer research.
-Drug usage is much higher than with heterosexuals.
UK study LGBT drug use 3-4x higher
-Gay divorce rates are higher in countries with many years of same-sex marriage.
Source [near the bottom see Scandinavian studies]
-Gays are more likely to be on welfare.
-Suicide rates amongst LGBT are higher than the average [blamed on discrimination, violence and the usual cultural Marxist phantoms].
-Gay Trans propaganda given to elementary children and repeated every year until secondary school graduation.
Source – visit your local school.
-Demands for legal polygamy [or licensed sex slaving and misogyny] are now being made.
-Demands by Man-Boy Love groups for equal rights are now being made.
-Transgendered 'rights' for children as young as 7 [to have a Transgendered operation].
-Criminalization of any speech against the Queer cult are well under way.
-Criminalization of Christianity is the end objective.
Gay Fascism. All in the name of love and tolerance.