Freudian psychology is not a science. It never was. Freudian theology lies discarded and broken. What intelligent person believes that his 'mind' is composed of the warring factions, ego, super ego and the Id? Biologically the brain is not a computer, it is not 'hard wired' it s and not a set of magical entities seeking control over your consciousness. Technology and SPECT scans prove that the brain is an organ, related to but different than the mind, and constantly changing. It is irreducibly complex and inter-related. You can't evolve half a brain or 1/3 of a mind [though one still has trouble identifying the penchant for socialist theology within the human breast]. What you feed your brain will determine whether [like your muscles], it is strong, agile, redoubtable, proficient; or sad, saggy, weak, confused or addicted.
Freudian pyscho – babble has been one of the great tragedies of the last century. It is however, entirely in keeping with Darwinism, materialism, the fact that you have no free-will and therefore no control over your actions and emotions. You are only bouncing molecules, at the mercy of deep psychological forces, driven forth by a desire to procreate and satiate your libido. Absurd infantile claims that you now murder because at age 5 you had trouble repressing your sexual desire for mommy; engender nothing but a depressing ignorance for society at large.
Jerry Bergman in 'Freud and Darwin' correctly links the two non-scientists. Freudian theology is suffused with Darwinian metaphysics. Bergman: “Freud wrote that 'the theories of Darwin...strongly attracted me, for they held out the hopes of extraordinary advance in our understanding of the world'. Freud made it clear that evolution, or the idea of proving Darwin right [which has failed in every science thus far]; was the genesis of his own theories of the evolving 'psyche'. Bergman: 'It was Darwin who pointed the way...and the excitement of Darwin's work was at its height in the [18] seventies....'
Freud was a child of his age, namely the mechanical age of impersonal Darwinism and dialectical materialism.
In college Freud spent most of his time in zoology, to better understand and thereby have to the tools to help 'prove' Darwinian theology. His Phd is in zoology and philosophy after all. These 2 'subjects' perfectly summarize the metaphysical project which is Darwinism [we could also that it is a theory dedicated to rhetoric and hyperbole].
Darwin's theory lent itself to the incredibly simpleton idea that sex drives all. Given that you are nothing but colliding molecules with no free will, your immediate goal is to survive, procreate as often as possible and kill as much as possible [survival of the 'fittest' whatever that means]. Freud picked up on this theme. Freudian metaphysics is nothing less than a psyche-premised explanation which endeavors to explain and prove Darwinian theology via sexual evolution.
Bergman: “The theory developed by Freud and his followers from Darwinism was based on the idea that all behavior is the result of a few basic animal drives produced by natural selection to facilitate survival.”
What a grim, sordid, anti-human outlook on life. The core of Freudian theology is the Darwinian belief that all animals – including humans – are driven by a libido [sexual drive] which is the core of self-preservation. The more 'successful' of the individual animals within a species would reproduce more, spreading their genes, pushing evolution to its 'next level', as 'nature' would naturally 'favor' those more prone to sexual prowess and who by [tautology] were 'selected' by nature, genes and traits to succeed. In other words, Darwinian-Freudian theology maintains that the more sexually aggressive you are, the more likely it is that your genetic material will be naturally selected [whatever that rhetoric may mean].
Bergman: “One of the ideas that Freud accepted was the now discredited inheritance of acquired characteristics, including the inheritance of mental traits, an idea that had a profound influence on psychology up the 1950s.”
Darwin himself accepted, then rejected, then accepted Larmarckian theory [striving for traits]. Freud accepted basically the same [acquired characteristics are passed on in your genes].
Freudianism is a mockery of science. Not one single truly scientific experiment has ever been undertaken to proven Freud's theories. None. You can scour the literature and there is not one serious scientific experiment, observation or set of data proof, to support any of Freud's work. Not a single one. All of his 'patients', his 'research', his 'data' have no basis in reality and have never been confirmed. Like many psycho-quacks such as Kinsey, Freud made up his 'scientific studies', and his research.
It is clear that Freud was a charlatan. Another quackademic with a degree making money, pronouncing theory, confusing fantasy with fact. Undoubtedly Freud was a liar, used long words with gravitas to denote scientific 'fact'; who was ignorant of the complexity of the brain, true neuro-science and who had many axes to grind – Darwinism, evolution, and the desire to make money from both.
But he is hailed as a pioneer. In what exactly ? Fraud ?