Born a Jew and influenced in his youth by Catholicism, Freud renounced both in 1874 and became an avowed atheist. Like many atheists he turned to Darwinian 'natural selection' and pond scum-to-human theology as the 'scientific' foundation for his new religion. Freud firmly believed that man was an animal, perhaps distinct but still deeply related to, other fauna, including fish. In fact Freud called humans 'trash' and wrote that he found very little good about humans or within humans. This animus against humankind is probably why so many adore and venerate this non-scientist, who made up his 'data', wrote fiction parading as fact, and was committed to proving that by analyzing the 'psyche' he could prove Darwinism.
Jerry Bergman in an article 'Freud and Darwinism', writes: “One reason why Freud actively opposed religion was because he concluded that is suppressed and inhibited freedom, especially sexual freedom. Freud postulated that basic drives, such as sex, were all programmed in humans by evolution.”
Freud believed that humans were 'hard wired', which is of course a gigantic myth. This idea that you have no free-will, and no control over what you do, or what happens to you, is one of the great philosophical tragedies and barbarisms of the last century. There are even court cases dating back to the late 19th century, in which a lawyer has argued that his client was innocent and was a victim of Darwinian-evolutionary programming, which impelled the actions to create the crime in question. The perpetrator was blameless.
Freud mapped the 'evolution' of personal sexual development to the fraudulent 'recapitulation' of the embryo as outlined by Haeckal [declared a fraud way back in 1874 but still taught today]. Freud firmly believed that the stages of human embryonic production were simple restatements of pond scum-to fish-to amphibian-to reptile and lower mammal development. The absurdity of this idea is hard to underestimate.
For example as Bergman states: “Freud's most famous and controversial idea was the Oedipus complex. In his book, Totem and Taboo, Freud argued that the Oedipus complex was the 'ontogenetic recapitulation of an actual occurrence in the development of civilization' at the period of Darwin's evolutionary stage that taught when humans lived as apes in small groups that often consisted of one powerful male and several females.”
So polygamy, misogyny and sexual slave trafficking, not to mention the morbid, primitive, savage world of the ape proves Darwin and Freud........
For Freud, the human was an animal, subject to a dialectical force named 'evolution' itself premised largely on sexual selection, aggression and domination. Indeed no 'Totems or Taboos' need exist in Freud's deranged universe. You are impelled to spread your genes. Sexual depravity, rape, polygamy, deviancy, or any action with a sexual context is to be accepted and even lauded. This religion of natural dialecticism leaves no room for spirituality, faith or even the abstract concept of human uniqueness, ingenuity, or morality.
Freudian metaphysics is a sad jumble mash of nonsense. Even in his own day Freud was ridiculed and attacked. He responded as his hero Darwin did – by publishing many extracts denouncing his opponents as anti-science, stupid, arrogant, Christian, bigoted, illogical and without a conscience.
Bergman: “Orthodox Freudian therapy is now widely considered moribund, or, at the least, far more time consuming and expensive than other equally or more equally effective therapies....psychology Professor Paul Vitz documents that psychology has become a substitute religion, one that stresses what he calls, 'self worship.'
As with Darwinism, Freudian theology is a failure.
Bergman: “Freud built his theory of the mind so completely on Darwinism that his biographer, Ernst Jones, 'bestowed on Freud the title...Darwin of the mind.' Of note is the fact that Freud was actually a Lamarckian (i.e. he accepted the inheritance of acquired characteristics theory of Lamarck), as was Darwin, and remained so.” [Lamarckian theology has been eviscerated more times than globaloneywarming]
There is no science to Freud. None. Not a scintilla of neurological-fact based science supports any of his ideas. He was a deceit, a snake oil salesman, a Darwinist of the most rabid devotion, a man who put his world-view and theology ahead of investigation and truth. A man from the cult of 'Scientism', using complex words and sentences to 'prove' Darwinian theology.