Long age Evolutionists routinely ascribe the number of seconds since the beginning of the Universe to be 1018, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 namely a Quintillion, or roughly the total real debt levels of developed states. This number is so massive it is meaningless. Glib politicians blandly speak of a Trillion as a rounding error, in relation to a Quintillion it might well be. A trillion is 1 millionth the size of a Quintillion, but even a Trillion is incomprehensibly large. The number of seconds in the entire history of the universe, by Evolutionist's own calculations, is thus far beyond our imagination to comprehend. We can use that as a basis to eviscerate Darwin's cult.
Consider the probability that life came from nothing and self-assembled. It offends every scientific law imaginable, but consider just one simple example. If 1018 is unfathomable, what then of random chance, producing in a warm soupy pond, the complexity of just one protein ? Your body has between 2 million and 10 million – the actual number is unknown. In the Darwinian fairy-tale Evolutionists imagine that RNA magically formed first – how they never say – then somehow the RNA created the DNA which then gave rise to first single cells, and by magic over long time, multi-cells. It is of course impossible for RNA to create DNA. There is no laboratory or observational proof of such a concept. DNA controls RNA of course, not the reverse, but no matter. DNA and RNA are certainly a part of the puzzle, but proteins manufactured via Ribosomes which are issued blueprints by DNA via mRNA, are a greater mystery still.
How would a manufacturing process of DNA-RNA-Ribosomes and proteins self-organize and why?
The mathematical probability of one average 150 amino acid length protein, forming itself by chance in the exact perfect functioning order; is less than 1 in 10161 or much greater than all of the seconds available in the universe since the beginning of time. 10 to the power of 161 is not even calculable on a logarithmic scale. It is thus impossible. Even worse for the cult of Darwin, it has been calculated that the time needed to form just one average functioning protein in perfect conditions via chance and time, would take only 10171 years, or forever. In other words, it cannot happen.
Since mathematically the creation of one single protein is impossible, we can safely conclude that the entire Evolution myth, is unscientific. It is a faith. A cult. And its derivative Atheism informed both Nazism and Communism. Life is cheap if you believe that unknown forces are 'evolving' cells into ubermensch. The cult of science. More philosophy than reasonable inquiry. Mathematics disproves Darwin.