Why and how would water form by random chance ? Why would hydrogen and oxygen combine, during 'natural selection', to form the miracle and basis of life, we call water ? How would random chaos cover the earth in both salt and fresh water ? Where did the vast quantities of this liquid come from? How would 'nature know', that salt water is indispensable as a part of the climate convection system ? Is it sensible to suppose that the supernatural qualities of water, are somehow related to 'competitive advantage' 'luck', 'blind chance', or 'natural selection'? What do these buzzwords even mean ?
A Dr. Richard Gunderman, from Purdue University, wrote a paper entitled, “The Universe's Most Miraculous Molecule.” Gunderman correctly labels water a miracle – one that 'evolution' and Darwinian theology can never explain.
“It’s the second most abundant substance in the universe. It dissolves more materials than any other solvent. It stores incredible amounts of energy. Life as we know it would not be possible without it. And although it covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface, many parts of the world are in dire straits for lack of it. What is it?
The answer, of course, is water. In some ways, water is one of the substances we know best, in part because it makes up 75% of our bodies. Every day we drink it, bathe in it, clean with it and use it to dispose of our wastes. Yet scientists are still striving to understand many of water’s remarkable properties, and the 21st century will force us to think about water like we never have before.”
Aspects of water than cannot be explained by chaos and random chance, identified by Grundman:
Hydrogen bonds cause water molecules to have high attraction to one another.
Water’s high specific heat means it takes a lot of energy to warm it. This helps humans remove heat by perspiration.
Water’s high boiling point compared to similar liquids keeps it in the range for life’s liquid requirements.
Capillarity, due to the molecules’ attraction, allows water to rise in the vessels of trees with a pulling action.
Surface tension allows some animals like water striders to walk on water.
Water’s polarity makes it almost a universal solvent.
“Even more remarkably, water is practically the only substance known to man that, as it cools from its liquid to solid state, actually expands.” Because ice is 9% less dense than water, ice floats, and, consequently, Earth does not freeze solid.
Water is dynamic on Earth, continually evaporating, traveling over land, condensing, and flowing back to the seas.
Water is dynamic in life, too, cycling between photosynthesis and respiration.
There are many other facts about water that one could list. For example it is odorless, tasteless, perfect in every way to ingest and sustain. This means that every human can use water; unique senses and physiology are unaffected.
So Darwinians, how did this miracle molecule arise from a 'big bang' of chaos, and come to dominate the Earth's climatic cycles ? Big rocks hit the earth ? Aliens dumped it ? Nature created it in her very own Gaia-lab ? Or rhetoric and hyperbole mixed in with chaos ?