Wednesday, December 9, 2015

DNA is software code and software code cannot self-create, repair, instruct, design.....

DNA by itself disproves the cult of Darwin

by StFerdIII

 DNA is code

DNA is software code and software code cannot write itself, amend itself, instantiate itself, or repair itself. Period. DNA is the most complex code in the universe, made up of 4 chemicals: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. These 4 chemicals are the letters (A,T,C and G) of the DNA code language. Remarkably Human DNA code is 3 billion letters long. 3 billion of anything is a majestic number, that cannot self-assemble into any format other than useless chaos.

When Darwinists say that Humans are 70% related to Tulips [or frogs, or pond scum, or bonobo chimps]; they are addressing the base language within DNA. But it is the arrangement in the resulting structures which is important. Petals, pelvic arrangements, language, optics, thumbs, nectar, saliva, insulin, ATP – these details are what give each and every species its special design and signature – not random chaos, time or mutations which kill.

Although DNA code is vastly more complicated than anything the Human mind can envisage, it’s the information translation system, and the information intensity of DNA, connected to that code, which really annoys the cult of Evolution. As with any vernacular language or software code, letters and words mean nothing outside the understood convention being used to give letters a particular meaning. For example the blueprints to build the 2-10 million proteins inside your body are built into the DNA software code. The manufacturing process to produce proteins has to read the instructions but it can only do that if it understands the meaning of the instructions.

This inter-related dependency and complexity is impossible to happen by chance. It would be as if in reading your request to buy products, 'evolved' the magic to not only post products in a vernacular you understood and could read, but likewise could receive and understand your request, and translate it into action; all without design, purpose and engineering intelligence. It is simply insane to suggest that Amazon arose from nothing. The Human body is infinitely greater and more complicated.

DNA also possesses not just genetic software code but:

Elastic and massive storage capacity
The information storage capacity of DNA is unbelievable, namely a microgram (one millionth of a gram) of DNA can theoretically, store as much information as 1 million CDs. This storage is somehow housed in a cell nucleus which is only a few millionths of a cubic metre.


DNA Replication


For a cell to divide it must first replicate its own DNA. [Video] Every single cell must replicate for the organism to simply survive. How would this 'evolve' with time and chance ? How would the cells know how to unwind DNA software code ? How does this process know that one of the strands is backwards and that it must form a copy of it in loops ?


DNA repair


DNA in cells is always undergoing damage by UV light, radiation and mutations. Incredibly there are 130 identified repair mechanisms, to rebuild the DNA code. With over 3 billion DNA letters to check, this is a monumental job.

A quick check mechanism is to conduct electricity through the cells. When there is a DNA letter error, the electrical current is blocked. A pair of enzymes can then address the issue. One sends an electron to the strand containing the error. If the DNA is unbroken the electron reaches the other enzyme and detaches it. In other words the enzymes are using electric currents in the form of electrons to scan the strand. If it is clean, there is no need for a repair. If there is an error the electron does not reach the second enzyme, and the first enzyme will proceed down the strand to the error position and fix it. Since both DNA and its own self-repair are necessary for life, there is no way that this maintenance function 'evolved'.


Protein synthesis


Then we have the manufacturing process of proteins. Darwin's cult states that a determined and complex production process can happen by random chance, time, and mutations which kill software code [4000 diseases are proof of this, as is radiation]. Every cell needs a set of proteins to perform every function they do. [Simulation Video]

The video presents some obvious objections to Darwin's cult;
  • How did the instructions to make the required protein get into the DNA?
  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know where in the DNA to find the instructions to make the required protein?
  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know how to unwind the DNA?
  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know to make a copy of the instructions?
  • How does the ‘RNA polymerase’ know what a ‘stop code’ means?
  • How does the ribosome understand the instructions on the ‘messenger RNA’?
  • If the accurate folding of the protein is essential then how did the Chaperonin know the right way to fold the protein?
  • DNA is required to make proteins, however proteins are required to build proteins from the DNA instructions. So, which came first?

Darwin's cult cannot answer any of the above. But they are 'scientists' remember, whose mythology, rhetoric and world-philosophical view is uber alles....