Globaloneywarming fraud. Data manipulation on a massive scale. Co2 has nothing to do with climate, but Trillions of dollars are at stake [printed money, government spending, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, etc.], so demonizing the trace chemical necessary for life, or something like it, is necessary for the Eco fascists. From 1940-70 it was globaloneyiceaging. From 1975-2010 it was globaloneywarming. Now it is 'climate changing'. The mutability of 'settled science' is rather astonishing.
In fact it is quite likely that real temperatures since the 1880s in many parts of the world have fallen, and within the last 25 years, the temperature is flat. There is no warming. Satellite temperature records – the only ones which are accurate since the land based readings are fraudulent, open to 'revision' and constitute reading stations cited in urban heat sinks, [the cult of warms rejects the UHI effect]. Christy, the US' top expert in climate-satellite readings eviscerates the cult of plant food.
J. R. Christy, US Sentate Science and Technology Hearing, Feb 04 2016. p.3
No change in temp in 35 years....the plant food is not killing Gaia.