There are no beneficial mutations. At least none from various studies conducted in the past 50 years. This [along with 1 million other arguments and science], destroys Evolution.
“The whole foundation of neo-Darwinian theory was built upon Fisher’s [1930s scientist and Evolution cult member] imaginary notion that small deleterious mutations could turn any form of life into any other.”
In other words in Fisher's 'neo' Darwinian fantasy world, beneficial mutations had to exist or else Evolution was an epic fail. And in this story telling, these never-discovered beneficial mutations would take algae and turn it into an Alchemist looking to render iron into gold.
He admits that he invents beneficial mutations to save Darwin, stating on p. 53 of his work, The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection:
“ …unless we are to abandon altogether the evolutionary conception of the modification of species by the occasional substitution of one gene for the predecessor from which it arose … [Darwin’s theory] requires that the successful new gene should in some way become dominant to its competitors, and if back mutations occur, to its predecessor also [emphasis in original].”
Yet again another example of a fraud, a cult fanatic, a deluded propagandist, claiming to be a scientist, yet ignoring science, reality and data, to push his metaphysical naturalism.
No beneficial mutations have been found. Zilch.
-The Human Gene Mutation Database currently contains records of more than 141,000 mutations. New ones are being discovered at a rate of over 11,000 per year. None are labelled ‘beneficial’.
-The Online Catalog of Human Genes and Genetic Disorders has 6,000 mutations that are ‘disease associated’ and ‘functional’ mutations which are known to be inherited in this way. There is no reference anywhere to ‘beneficial’ mutations.
-A sample of 179 genomes from The 1,000 Genomes Project found that the average person carries about 400 ‘disease associated’ mutations and two ‘disease causing’ mutations. NO discoveries have been reported for ‘beneficial’ mutations.
Basic software knowledge. Mutations are bugs, they kill, destroy, erase and impair. They don't add value. It is the Law of Entropy – all systems decline. This is one reason why species go extinct including Dinosaurs. Forget the fetish of big rocks. Bio chemistry is far more interesting and relevant.