Thursday, July 28, 2016

Great French Mathematician Schützenberger, knew Darwinism was a false idol

He used math, logic and technological sophistication to batter the myths of Evolution.

by StFerdIII



One of the most influential French mathematicians in the past 100 years was Marcel-Paul Schützenberger [1920-1996], and he was a Darwin Doubter. In fact he was publicly quite antagonistic to the cult of evergreens-became-the-screaming-mad climate 'expert'. He also specialized in complex nano-technology and mathematical computer simulations, merged together into something termed 'Combinatorics'. He knew that neither math nor technology could possibly support the outrageous tales made by the cult of Darwin.

For example, Schützenberger, stated that his use of mathematics “in the overall assessment of evolutionary thought has been encouraged by the biologists themselves, if only because they presented such an irresistible target”. [Interview with Schützenberger, M.P., Marcel-Paul Schützenberger: the miracles of Darwinism, Origins & Design 17(2):10–15, 1996; p. 10. See also Eden, M., Heresy in the Halls of Biology—Mathematicians Question Darwinism, Scientific Research, November 1967, p. 59]

Schützenberger's work supported the now obvious and confirmed conclusion that random mutations consistently produce degeneration, not progress. In fact not one single positive mutation can be named by the Darwinists. In an online catalogue of mutations, no entry exists for positive mutations, cited by Darwinists as changes in the genomic code to take a flat worm, to a fat man. In the 1966 Wistar Symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania the Darwin Doubters:

“ … brought together a collection of renowned … scientists … . At that meeting Marco became one of the first distinguished scientists in the world to point out that a theory of evolution that depends on uniformly randomly occurring mutations cannot be the truth because the number of mutations needed to create the speciation that we observe, and the time that would be needed for those mutations to have happened by chance, exceed by thousands of orders of magnitude the time that has been available.” [Wilf, H., In Memoriam: Marcel-Paul Schützenberger (1920–1996), Electronic J. Combinatorics 3(1):1, 1996]

During this conference Schützenberger alongside MIT professor Murray Eden, gave a cogent presentation of evidence explaining that mathematical probabilities against neo-Darwinism are not only enormous, but rather impossible. He concluded that, as a result of the discovery of genetic coding, scientists have realized that genes are:

“ … like a word composed in the DNA alphabet; such words form the genomic text. It is that word that tells the cell to make this or that protein. Either a given protein is structural, or a protein itself works in combination with other signals given by the genome to fabricate yet another protein.” [interview quoted above]

In spite of academic inertia and submission to Darwinism, Schützenberger asked the obvious questions such as:

“ … with so few elementary instructions, … fabricate objects that are so marvelously complicated and efficient? This property with which they are endowed—just what is its nature? Nothing within our actual knowledge of physics and chemistry allows us intellectually to grasp.' [Schützenberger, M., Algorithms and the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution; in: Moorehead, P.S. and Kaplan, M.M. (Eds.), Mathematical Challenge to the Neodarwinian Theory of Evolution, Wistar Institute Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, p. 73, 1967]

“ … explain how to match blueprints viewed as typographic objects and the things they are supposed to control. The only example we have of such a situation (apart from the evolution of life itself) is the attempt to build self-adapting programs by workers in the field of artificial intelligence. Their experience is quite conclusive … without some built-in matching, nothing interesting can occur. Thus … there is a considerable gap in the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, and we believe this gap to be of such a nature that it cannot be bridged within the current conception of biology.' [ibid]

Genomic or gene products must transmit signals that affect how individual cells differentiate and act. Such signals also must interact with each other during embryological development. Why would a human embryo, going from 1 cell to 100 Trillion, 'pass through' reptilian and fish 'stages. Human DNA code is completely unlike that of fish or reptiles. Embryonic code cannot be changed during the cell division and genomic gestation process.

Within human development as Schützenberger pointed out, the cell’s many types of signaling molecules, such as hormones and cytokines, influence each other to form networks of coordinated systems that interact in ways similar to how circuit boards are designed to achieve complex integrated circuits. Research on gene regularity networks has determined that to build a new animal design from a pre-existing one by mutation and selection requires altering the pre-existing developmental gene regulatory network. This requires hundreds of coordinated mutations, and Davidson’s work has shown that this much alteration inevitably causes catastrophic consequences. In other words mutations kill, they don't add value. Davidson, following on from Schützenberger, writes that since mutations in early development:

“ … are always catastrophically bad, flexibility is minimal, and since the subcircuits are all interconnected, the whole network partakes of the quality that there is only one way for things to work. And indeed the embryos of each species develop in only one way.” [Erwin, D. and Davidson, E., The evolution of hierarchical gene regulatory networks, Nature Reviews: Genetics 10:141–148, 2009]

Schützenberger used math, logic, common sense and software to destroy Evolution. The only conclusion one can reasonably have about Darwin's cult, is that its cult adherents are completely ignorant of the same.
