Scientists Henry Morris and Martin E Clark, provide trenchant and rather frightening critiques of the Evolutionary theological fraud. Evolution is no more science, than its related claim that dead matter, or nothing, gave rise to everything. Yet the virign birth of matter, energy, the universe itself, is scientifically impossible. It contradicts the first law of thermodynamics. Mutations and the mythical natural selection [from what, why and how?] contradicts the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, as does the fable that mutations enhance, change and improve. 99.9% of mutations are either negative [disease, entropy] or at best neutral.
As a philosophy Evolution is an amoral evil, leading directly to Atheist-Fascist concepts embedded in Nazism, Communism, or moral relativism. Indeed the Nazis gassed 5 million Catholics, and wiped out the Evangelical church by 1937, and the Catholic by 1942 [neither Church has ever recovered in Germany]. In Russia, 10.000 Churches were pulled down, Christianity outlawed, hundreds of thousands of Christians or 'dissenters and traitors', were sent to the Gulags to die.
'Evolution teaches that “creation” is continually being accomplished by nature’s evolutionary processes, but the most basic law of science, the law of energy conservation, states that nothing is now being created of destroyed. Evolution teaches that there is a universal process of development and increasing order and complexity in the universe, but the second law of thermodynamics (which is a basic law of nature, with no exceptions known) states that all systems tend to become disordered and simpler. All things tend to grow old, wear out, run down, and die. Evolution involves universal change “upward,” whereas the real processes of nature involve a universal change “downward.” The concept of special creation of all the basic “kinds” of plants and animals, with provision for ample variation within the kinds, is much more in accord with the actual facts and laws of science than is the speculative philosophy of universal evolutionary development. Thus, evolution is not really a science but a religious philosophy....'
'….that practically all mutations (even leading evolutionists acknowledge this to be true of at least 99.9 percent of all known mutations) are harmful, rather than helpful, in the supposed struggle for existence. Mutant varieties thus almost always die out if left to themselves, or else revert back to the ancestral types.'
'….evolution is actually a complete worldview, an explanation of origins and meanings without the necessity of a personal God who created and upholds all things.'
'..evolutionary philosophy is the intellectual basis of all the anti-Christian and anti-God systems that have plagued mankind for centuries. It served Hitler as the rationale for Nazism and Marx as the supposed scientific basis for communism. It is the basis of the various modern methods of psychology and sociology that treat man merely as a higher animal and which have led to the mis-named “new morality” and ethical relativism.'
Convincing yourself that virgin births of the universe, energy and matter, leads ineluctably to DNA and RNA being formed in a soupy pond, which then starts a process of 'change', leading from pond scum to Moslems cutting the head off a priest in Rouen France, is to put it diplomatically, idiotic. It might serve as a pagan touchstone of belief. It might fill the great void of materialist dialectics that so enthralls the 'intellectual'. It does not address scientific reality and in fact, it contradicts the most basic laws of thermodynamics and bio-chemistry.
'Scientists' cannot even change one enzyme into another – not one single experiment has ever changed one enzyme into another functioning string of amino acids. Not one. Yet we are told, that the virgin birth of everything from nothing is 'science', and that algae, 'mutated' into tulips and then teachers. How utterly ridiculous and embarrassing.