According to 'science', chimps and humans share 98% of DNA similarity. According to 'science', humans share 50% chromosomal similarity with bananas. What came first the banana or the banana-eating chimp ?
Both claims are junk of course with no basis in real science. But they are used by the secular media, education and cult of science establishments to push their agendas. Lies are now the truth. Fraud is now science [see globaloneywarming].
In the Evolutionary fairy tale humans began to diverge, through 'natural selection' [selecting from what, how and why?]; from apes or chimps some 5-6 million years ago, becoming a new species about 1 million years ago. Within the Evolution time line of billions [soon to be trillions], of years, this is a remarkably compressed time-line. This constrains the cult's 'science'. Somehow, magically, the billions of letters of software code or DNA difference, between chimps and humans, has to be arranged quickly, effectively and completely. Since this is impossible [see below], the story-telling with pretty pictures takes over. For instance we hear constantly that chimps and the hairless human ape, are 98 % similar.
But how ?
Consider some bio-chemical facts:
Chimp and human Y chromosomes are radically different, and there is no more than a 70% similarity at best, a huge difference in operating system, software and coding logic.
There are about 35 million single-letter differences between chimps and humans, a huge number of short insertions and deletions, and thousands of genomic rearrangements. Under evolutionary theory, they have to account for these in just a few hundred thousand generations, in 7 million years at the most.
If you randomly take sections of the chimpanzee sequencing data and try to find matches in the human genome, and vice versa, you will find less than 90% similarity. And, many sections of the chimpanzee genome simply do not exist in humans. Claiming that chimps and humans are the same, based on sampling raw material [DNA, chromosomal arrangement], is as insipid as doing the same between a VW car and a jet airliner and declaring that both use the same materials, both are therefore the same, and ergo, the jet airliner, evolved from the VW.
In fact most of the genomic mapping and comparison between chimps and humans is not even close to being finished.
The original 98% claim was based on a false study from 1975 in which DNA was taken from a chimp and a human, put into 2 separate test tubes, light was passed through them, and the colouration of the material noted and compared. Other studies have used this as a baseline [again, a predisposition and bias, which is not a part of science]. Some studies put the similarity at less than 70% - which would constitute billions of software coding differences.
Darwin's cult and its claims are thus hardly rigorous, nor is it proof of much of anything. It would not explain the vast differences in software, cognition, organ development, consciousness or other obvious dissimilarities between chimps and humans. In fact the software differences between the 2 species is so vast, that real science has not hardly even bothered to take up the challenge of cataloguing them, preferring myths, lies and fables to push their own agendas.
Junk DNA is an example, with the cult of Darwin now deeply disappointed that 97% of DNA which does not encode, nevertheless plays a vital role in cell and human development, negating the belief of non-science, that Junk DNA somehow was proof of past DNA changes, or mutations which add no value, from ape to man. Junk DNA is of course nothing of the sort, being vital software and operating system logic in embryonic development and in epi-genetic functionality. Our ignorance should not blind us to reality. That is not what science is supposed to be about. Stating that you are similar to a banana or a banana-eating chimp is secular theology not science. It is religious.