Evolutionists and Atheists [usually the same cult]; believe that there was a virgin birth of the Universe. Apparently, there was nothing, then for some reason, all the matter and energy of the universe appeared in a dimensional object the size of a pinhead, which for unknown reasons exploded. The resulting chaos from the emission led somehow to a staggering array of order, precision and construction; including 'natural laws', complex chemical combinations, constellations, planets and life. Further, the life forms then 'evolved' by more magic through mutations which 99% of the time degrade or are neutral, into more complex life forms, contradicting the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
The above fairy tale is called science.
The virgin birth of the Universe within the Church of Evolution, is called the 'Big Bang'. Ironically it was a Catholic [very liberal] priest named Le Maitre who first proposed this general idea. There is not much science within the fairy tale and contrary to propaganda, it is a theory in crisis.
Some issues with the Universe's virgin birth miracle:
-Gravity waves do not disprove, nor prove, any theory about the origins of the universe contrary to propaganda.
-Gravity waves and 'cosmic inflation' are also based on human designed models. This means that you change the models, the inputs and the assumptions, and you will change the output. Cosmological 'science' has a long track record of 'astonishing news', faithfully reported by the news propaganda outlets, only to be destroyed later. Bicep2 is a case in point [http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.5083].
-More than 30 years ago, a theoretical physicist named Alan Guth suggested cosmic inflation to solve the horizon problem [the flatness problem with the Big Bang virgin birth model]. The theory of cosmic inflation proposes that 1034 seconds after the universe's virgin birth, there was a brief and rapid inflation of all matter, leading to a greater size and velocity much faster than the speed of light [invoking Star Trek]. This meant that the entire universe was in thermal contact because it needed to be into the thermal equilibrium before being pulled out of thermal equilibrium by inflation.
There is no evidence for inflation of course.
-Inflation is a theory in crisis. Mike Wall from Space.com recently whined: "We really need to understand what this substance - this inflation - is. And until we do that, it's just like dark matter or dark energy - we give it a name, but we don't know what it is." – see http://www.space.com/25078-universe-inflation-gravitational-waves-discovery.html.
-Evolution cult members mostly believe that the expanding universe is accelerating, but this theory does not conform to observations, so they invent 'dark energy' to balance out their equations. No one knows what dark energy is, nor has any been observed. But the media and general public believe in dark energy, because the cult of science told them they had to. When theories start inventing magic friends to explain reality, you know that the cult dogma is long past its prime.
-An expanding universe – central for virgin birth believers – is in serious doubt based on objective scientific cosmology [see http://johnhartnett.org/2014/01/01/galaxy-quasar-associations/].
An objective 'scientist' would be rather skeptical of Big Bang theology based on the thin evidence and even thinner probability of it being true. At the very least he would want a lot more facts before converting to the High Church of Chance. However, that is not where the money is. The money, the grants, the tenure, the access to billions in R&D equipment and leading edge technology is in the Big Bang theology. If you question the Church of Evolution and the virgin birth of the universe, you will not graduate, you will not be hired by a university or government institution, you will not be tenured and you will not be given grants for research. This bribery and system of ransom is called 'science'.