The cult of Stupid. GlobaloneyWarming. ClimateMongering. Blaming Plant food, Co2, for any and all issues, seasons, weather, events and surprises.
Co2, necessary for life, is 400 parts per million or 400/1.000.000 = 4 / 10.000 or .0004 of Atmospheric gas by weight.
A rounding error trace chemical cannot cause climate-anything.
Co2 is part of photosynthesis, which produces oxygen. This scientific process is explained here.
Co2 is not a toxin.
Carbon is not a toxin.
Mother earth emits 95% of Co2. So how exactly is this natural trace chemical harming the Earth Mommy, if she is emitting most of it?
Data fraud and putting thermometers in Urban Heat Areas is not science.
Rewriting temperature history and erasing past data records including the Medieval Ice Age is not science.
Doing statistical ‘tricks’ to hide temperature declines and create hockey stick graphs is not science.
Following an illiterate 16 year old halfwit from Sweden with a Low IQ is not science.