Thursday, December 19, 2019

Fake Climate Science and made up numbers: Australia

No it is not the hottest year 'evah' down under

by StFerdIII


An example of Fake Science, and the cult of Science, or 'Scientism', is the current hysteria by the Green Fascists, over rather normal hot weather and associated fires in Australia.  Scientism and the Climate Cult maintain that Australia is experiencing the warmest week on ‘record’, with the warmest day on ‘record’ being December 17th 2019.  In reality of course, these claims are completely false. 



Fake Media weather channels in Australia will always have the ‘meteorologist’ standing next to a photo of  the country, which is of course, saturated with orange and red (denoting burning up due to plant food, .0004% gas by weight).  State funded channels (and education systems) repeat the Goebbelesque lie that the current warmth is an all-time record and that humans are the causal agents.  None of this is true of course.


The embedded video by Tony Heller outlines why this story is simply Fake Science.  People need to be more discriminating, for example:


-February 5th 1851 Melbourne was 115 F in the shade much hotter than the current week in the shade, with vast quantities of dead livestock and bushfires.

-The real record dates from Bourke NSW in 1909 – 125 F which 21F above the current temperatures.

-The ‘Records’ used by the Fake News and State funded meteorology only go back to 1910, however 1909, the 1880s and 1890s were also much hotter than this week, so why is this data ignored?

-January 1923 in NSW recorded 120 to 123 degrees over a long period of time yet the Fake News and Fake Science have flattened these out and ignored them.

-Marble Bar NSW had 160 days of continuous 100+F heat from 1923 – 24.

-Likewise, the ‘Records’ presented lie about the 1930s temperatures as well, which in many places were much hotter than today.

-Only about 25 weather stations in Australia – most of them in the South East – have temperature records dating back 100 years.  What about the rest of the country?  How can anyone make the claim that ‘this is the hottest week on record’, if most of the country is left out of the analysis?



In summary, Australia is nowhere close to its highest temperature.  Long lived temperature records which are scarce, indicate that the 1880s, 1890s, 1923-24, the 1930s were much hotter than today, which would show a long-term cooling, not warming trend.  Based on the above, claims that this year is the hottest ‘evah’ in Australia is mindless propaganda and Fake Science.