Wednesday, June 3, 2020

UK: Green Fascism is the focus of the Non-Conservative Government of Boris Johnson

Destroying the world's 5th largest economy is the agenda.

by StFerdIII



Green Fascist madness in the UK.  BoJo the Green Liberal and his crony-capitalist gang are gung-ho to impose a set of crippling measures totalling some £50-100 Billion pounds, to make the UK ‘net carbon neutral’ (whatever that stupidity means), by 2050.  All that the imbeciles will do is lose the next election.


Boy wonder Chancellor smiling coiffed Sushi Knick-knack is promoting ‘Green Industrialisation’ post the government-created Corona fauxdemic.  De-industrialisation is more accurate.  Knick-knack is part of a government and party that is completely ignorant about economics (along with immigration, the cult of Muhammad and other sundry topics).


“Rishi Sunak is planning a ‘green industrial revolution’ to help to create jobs for people who are made redundant because of the pandemic.

The chancellor is preparing to bolster the government’s investment in clean energy as part of an economic stimulus package next month. There could also be a fund to help to ‘reskill’ workers so they can get green jobs in areas such as insulation upgrades, offshore wind and carbon capture.

The measures are understood to go significantly beyond the Conservatives’ manifesto commitment to create two million jobs in clean energy within the next decade. The Tories have promised to cut greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050.”


Sheer fantasy.  Dr John Constable, energy editor of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), warned that this was going to happen in a short paper published last month ‘The Fatal Attraction of a Post-Covid Green New Deal’.  Fatal stupidity.


All that will happen is jobs will be lost and taxes increased to pay for the largesse, handed over the Corporate Friends of the Conservative Party.  All this economic destruction to battle ‘plant food’ (.04 % of atmospheric gas by weight) and the non-existent ‘Climate Change’ or Globaloneywarming (sometimes called the 4 seasons).  Given the billions spent on the Covid-fauxdemic, there is no financial means to support Green Fascism, and the de-construction of industry and the economy. 


Green Fascism kills Jobs:

A study by economics professor Dr Gabriel Calzada Alvarez of Madrid’s University of Rey Juan Carlos found that for every ‘green job’ created by the Spanish government, another 2.2 jobs were destroyed in the real economy.


Another study, in the UK, found that for every green job created by government ‘investment’ in the renewables industry, 3.7 jobs were destroyed in the real economy.


As well Solar and Wind do not generate anywhere near enough energy to run a modern economy – far below 4% of total energy needed in the UK.  Both are unreliable and both use ‘carbon’ fuel processes to make the panels and turbines, negating the intended effect of de-carbonisation.  Neither are eco-friendly of course, indeed quite the opposite.  Solar panels leech and destroy the geography and soil; and the bird-choppers murder millions of bird-life each year.  Apparently, the eco-loons are fine with both.  Solar and Wind ‘power’ survive on subsidies (given to large corporate interests) and would never be used in a private economy or invested in by private investors risking own capital. Yes, hydro can be 'recycled' and reused, but that will not run a modern economy.


Coal, Gas, Nat Gas on the other hand, are clean burning for the most part. Nuclear is essential and the cleanest fuel around yet opposed by the usual cadre of Green half-wits. 


Maybe the Fake News can ask Chancellor Knick-knack, what is the objective of this de-industrialisation? How can a country of 70 millions run a modern economy mostly on water (doesn't water eventually become depleted?), solar and bird choppers?  Why would a nation state commit economic suicide?  Why should voters allow the Con party to win the next election?