This video exposes the Fauxdemic and Fake Science. Minute 15 and Minute 29 are especially important based on real data on flu viruses, past and present. The Covid virus ended in May. Summer face diapers simply stop your body from adjusting to the virus and becoming immune which means that when a normal flu cycle starts in late November, the elderly will be most at risk.
The same tactics (without the governmental Communism, face nappies) were attempted in 2009 with a similar strain of the Covid family virus. Dire predictions of hundreds of thousands of dead never materialised. A second wave which was ‘guaranteed’ never occurred.
Back on Planet Earth:
Covid Communism including the Lock-downs, the endless hysteria and propaganda; the Fake News death counts, the endless models and ‘science’ of the cult – all are unscientific. In the UK the government and Health Minister Hancock admitted in July that the 45000 or so deaths were over-stated by 50%. This means that maybe 20.000 have died with Covid in the UK, out of a real population of 70 million.
Currently fewer people are dying with Covid then die from car accidents. Dying with Covid is the not same as dying from it. The average age of death is about 80, with most of the deaths occurring in nursing homes. The UK Socialised Health System put 8.000 Covid patients into nursing homes to make beds available for the great wave of suffering which never occurred. These older people spread the infection and died. Yet the UK population was expected to clap for the NHS and ‘save the NHS’. The stupid beggars belief.
We are also to believe that the Government is following ‘science’. The models were useless, 13 years old, corrupt, undocumented and unaudited. Following the ‘science’ (fiction) led to a full lockdown, now a partial one, with the Covid Communists idly musing that a 2nd national lockdown is vital. The ‘lockdowns’ have created an economic disaster, with depression, suicides and divorces at record levels. 10 million people now paid by the government, out of a total private sector labour force of 25 million. Yet the unemployment rate is 4.6%?
The cure is far worse than the disease.