Sunday, October 18, 2020

Spacecraft Earth: A Guide for Passengers, Dr Henry Richter and David Coppedge, #2

Evolution is anti-science.

by StFerdIII




Modern secular religion and its various religious cults posit that random chance created everything.  The design complexity, operating systems, molecular machinery, intricate engineering, the fantastically absurd balancing of elements and systems, the earth’s perfect position in the perfect galaxy to support life, the roughly 1 million complex variables arranged in perfect harmony to allow life to exist….all of this and much more is just a function of chance.  So claims the secular religion of chance.


To get around the mathematical impossibility of life beginning from nothing and design complexity forming by random acts, ‘scientific’ language is used to cloak to obfuscate and impress.  No experiments are performed. Natural selection (from what by whom?), nature finds a way (nature is impersonal and does not care about your selection), mutations (few if any positive mutations exist), genetic drift (drifting genes won’t form functional complexity), or a mixture of all the buzzwords together.  The evolution religion believes that a small wolf became the whale (Darwin thought it was the brown bear which turned into the whale).  Not a single shred of proof, laboratory experimentation, or replicable processes outlining how this could occur, have ever been offered.  Just words and pictures.  So, it is with the entire corpus of philosophical thought from the religion of evolution.  No proof, just big words.


Darwin knew that complexity of the ear or eye destroyed his religious writings.  He also knew that the fossil evidence did not support it.  Fossil fraud has always been a common occurrence with the Evolution religion (Piltdown man and the missing links), with the latest frauds coming out of China (feathered dinosaurs, with money no doubt changing hands).  No one has ever viewed a reptile running up a hill trying to change scales to feathers.  No one has ever seen a reptile jump from a tree countless times trying to ‘evolve’ into a bird.  Not even in captivity or a lab can one get a reptile to do either.  Yet we are confidently told, that reptiles became birds.  The two systems have nothing in common, and a reptile would never ‘mutate’ into a bird (or 2 reptiles in fact at the same time so they would be able to procreate). 


Common sense tells you that a cat will always be a cat (they don’t mate with non-cat species); and that your DNA or operating system will determine who and what you are.  It is unlikely a reptile is going to mate with a bird or a species which has wings, given that the wing structure is completely unlike that of a scale, and that DNA software is needed to enable flight (along with a complete change of the body, respiratory systems, eyes, mind etc).  Chance in-toto would simply lead to nothing, since DNA has never been proven to self-assemble in warm-ponds out of nothing. 



Consider your own body and its marvellous design.


Complexity has to be designed.

The system only works when all the parts are present, functioning as a unit. When we breathe through the nose, the valve operates automatically to allow air to enter and leave the lungs. We can also breathe through the mouth. The valve anticipates both actions correctly. We can quickly swallow saliva between breaths, and again the valve functions automatically to direct the right connection to the right tube, very rapidly, without our conscious thought. This dual function system is but one of several in the human body.


Saliva, why and how did this form by chance?

….we see that one of the most ordinary things about our body, saliva (sometimes denigrated as ‘spit’) is anything but simple. It contains complex molecules. It breaks down food and acts as a disinfectant. It is produced by glands that are arranged precisely in the mouth. It moistens the lips, the palate, and the upper digestive tract. And it is tied into other systems that are even more complex. Today, many are taught that saliva, with all its functions and interconnections, originated by blind, unguided processes of evolution. Does it seem reasonable that these systems began as small mistakes in pre-existing systems? All those systems would also have originated by mistake. It would be mistakes all the way down!


In addition, the salivary glands are controlled by special nerves out of the brain. (These command the increased flow and change in composition of saliva, for instance, when you see a juicy steak.) How could imaginary precursor glands improve the fitness of an organism before they had blood vessels and nerves? How did the new information get passed on into the gametes so that the next generation would benefit?


How many of thousands upon thousands of generations would be required for enough random mistakes to occur before the system worked? Would ‘sheer dumb luck’ create glands in matched symmetrical pairs, with their discharge tubes aimed into the mouth, their nerve activators extending to the precise part of the brain that delicately controls their every action twenty four hours a day, every day from the moment of birth?


The windpipe:

The throat, however, is also our windpipe. It’s possible (but not polite) to talk and eat at almost the same time. By design, there is a valve (the epiglottis) that can switch rapidly between the two pipes. This valve works well most of the time, except every now and then when we are careless. If food or drink gets into the windpipe, though, there is safety response: the coughing reflex. It is usually effective, except in severe cases of choking… Now, how did this dual function tube and valve process develop?


No, you did not ‘evolve’ from Apes or the mythical common ancestor:

… if we came from apes, how did this set of changes occur simultaneously with all of the other supposed upgrades, such as the brain structure and functionality, the jaw conversion, or the development of a skin with just a minor amount of fine hair instead of the hairy ape look, a throat and mouth structure that allows speech, and so on. These are not ‘upgrade’ level changes that occurred in a variety of different individuals but major redesigns, which all have to have happened in concert in a common ancestor.

Humans have small canines that do not project beyond the level of the other teeth—thus, in humans alone, among the primates, rotary chewing action is possible. In humans there are four canines, one on each side of each jaw. Here is another significant departure between the human species and non-human primates. In apes, further, the jaw is U-shaped, rather than the curved V-shape of humans. Fossil hunters can tell the difference easily.

If enamel developed as part of an evolutionary process, how did unprotected teeth survive beforehand?


Why would an elbow evolve?

Consider just one elbow. How could it develop without forethought, having to simultaneously produce a bone ball and matching socket, the cartilage just right to cushion movement, and the lubricating fluid to maintain the cartilage? Each is necessary for the proper working of the whole. If any one of these elements was missing or improperly shaped, that early organism would have had a very difficult time of movement and survival waiting for random chance, again through countless generations, to supply the missing cartilage, fluid or exact matching shape of the ball and socket. That lubricating fluid, by the way, has been called ‘nature’s most effective grease.’


Mutations kill (see radiation):

Genetic defects are overwhelmingly deleterious. Even if a beneficial mutation did arise, it would not add novel genetic information which is required for organisms to progress from simple to complex. Most likely, it would be useless (and quickly removed) if the matching parts had not arrived by another mistake in the same individual in a population.


You can take any part of your body and go through the same analysis.  The human body has a perfect symmetry and organ design.  There are no useless parts (another evolution-religion lie).  No vestigial organs.  Everything is used and has a purpose.  Ignorance of our bodies is not science, but just ignorance.  ‘Junk’ DNA is not junk and is vital for life.  Naming it junk just denotes an absence of science and understanding, along with a desire to prove the evolution-religion and cult dogma to be correct.


One can make an easy conclusion:  Evolution is anti-science. 


No experiments or proof exists.  Too many fake fossils, frauds and ridiculous claims proliferate.  ‘Nature’ or ‘natural selection’ is the evolution-religion’s god.  But how would either form 2 elbows (why not 1, 3, or 5)?  How would ‘nature’ form the heart, blood, circulatory system and glucose all at the same time?  Why would a creature need a heart if there is no blood?  How did the ear ‘evolve’ then construct the neurological wiring to the brain?  Or did the brain ‘evolve’ to construct the wiring then the ear formed?  Why would this happen?  Why would a creature know that it ‘needed’ an ear to be ‘competitive’ or to attract the ladies and be preferred in ‘sexual selection’? 


Common sense tells you that Evolution is a circus of nothing, where philosophers play at being God.